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Jesse Avatar
Just a mother doing graphic designing!


May 2007
Ok, let get start on this tut.

1)You will need to either open a image on GIMP for this or edit the image you want to use. For this tut I will be using the banner I made for Girls Rule.
2)Go to the left hand side and click on the A button, which s your text button. It would look like this:
3)You need to pick your text color. Since I am using the Girls Rule banner I have used ff05df. Oh, and it is important to get a text color that stands out from the other colors on the logo or whatever your using.
4)Choice your text because this will be important for the next step. Since I am using the Girls Rule banner I have used the text LainieDaySH.
5)Now depending on the text you choice depends on the height that you use. For the Girls Rule banner I used sized 90, but like I said. It depends on the text you choice.
6)Next you have to center the text. Very easy to do. All you got to do is grab the text box and drag it to the middle. You won't always hit dead center, but close is good enough in some cases. Just make sure when you let go of it you look at it to make sure it is as close to center as can be.
7)This is the last step, so follow closely. Go up to layer and then click on merge down. There now your text is attach to the banner and it should look like this.

Oh, and the small text that has Girls Rules and Made By: Webmistress Jesse/Mrs. Mommy Marlett is Visitor TT2 BRK at size 18.

Well, congrats on your finish text. I hope you see them here to see how well you followed my tut.
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
