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Jesse Avatar
Just a mother doing graphic designing!


May 2007
Chris Avatar
Jesse: So we should ban all the medicines that people have allergic reactions to, including off the shelf stuff? In that case, you should just have an inhaler with you.

I'm not saying that. People that know they are allergic to something can stay away from it, but you can never tell if someone has been smoking or has smoked a Marijuana until you get up close. I can avoid a long with a bunch of other people what I am allergic to as long as I where it is or something like that. My doctor won't give me an inhaler because the only time my asthma gets bad is around someone that is smoking in my face or if I get close to someone that has smokes Marijuana.
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!


Parker Avatar


February 2009
...I have asthma and I smoke, drink and smoke weed....rarely/somtimes.

sooooooooooooo....Ima die?
