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Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
So I just about creamed myself when I saw Aion was for sale yesterday. I'm not really in the loop with gaming anymore, so I had no idea it was already out. It took all my strength and more to resist buying it seeing as I kinda need the money I have, but has anyone played it yet? Is it as amazing as it looks, or are its looks the only thing amazing about it?


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
I had never even heard of it. Probably because it's an MMORPG. No interest in that genre.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Just look up screenshots/videos of it. The game looks fucking amazing. Fucking. Amazing.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Lucifer Avatar
Just look up screenshots/videos of it. The game looks fucking amazing. Fucking. Amazing.

I did. Lost interest quite quickly. :P


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
How? How does it not look incredible?


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Lucifer Avatar
How? How does it not look incredible?

Because it is an MMORPG. :P


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Yeah, but that aside, how do the screenshots and stuff not seem amazing?


Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
from what i have heard from some people in my guild in world of warcraft. They said it was good but not all that great *shrugs* they were also comparing to world of warcraft and i guess WoW is alot more better in many ways compared to aion.

only input i can give..


3: Avatar

Dedicated Member


June 2006

I could understand someone not liking MMORPGs because of the amount of time (and money) they'd have to invest in them, but if they look that good and are actually quite fun to play.. I really don't see a downside.

Oh, and WoW fans will always say WoW is better, even 20 years from now when every other game is like The World from [dot]hack. They're very strange creatures.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
To be fair, WoW is fairly incredible. I've played tons of other free MMO's. Each one has its own unique feature or whatever to it, but WoW is, as a whole, the best, by far. The only thing I've played that comes close is Perfect World. The rest just can't compare.

So even if Aion isn't AS good as WoW, it looks incredible and I doubt it's bad and I believe it's free to play once you buy it. I could be wrong.

Edit: Never mind. It's $15 a month, but comes with a free month when you buy it.

Last Edit: Nov 30, 2009 8:01:09 GMT by Lucifer


3: Avatar

Dedicated Member


June 2006
Yeah, it's a great MMORPG -- it'd have to be with so many loyal followers. I just don't think it's the best

I used to love the old Warcraft games, and as soon as I heard they were making an MMORPG, I went completely nuts. In school, my friends and I used to talk about it all the time, planning how we'd level, which characters we'd make, etc.. After I had finally gotten it, spent 7 hours installing it (yeah, wasn't too computer savvy back then), I played for a whole 3 minutes before shutting down my computer and asking my mother to cancel the subscription. It just didn't match up to all the older games I used to like, like PSO, or the newer games, like Rappelz and Dekaron.

Then again.. I haven't tried Aion yet either, so it may just play out the same. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

And yeah, Aion has a monthly fee, but I've heard they also have prepaid cards or whatever, and that the time you have doesn't actually decrease if you're not playing (although that sounds a bit too good to be true).


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
3: Avatar
And yeah, Aion has a monthly fee, but I've heard they also have prepaid cards or whatever, and that the time you have doesn't actually decrease if you're not playing (although that sounds a bit too good to be true).

What exactly do you mean by that?

Also, personally, I'd rather play DotA over WoW any day. Not that WoW is somehow bad, but when it comes to multi-player Warcraft, DotA is where it's at.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
So I picked up Aion finally. It's one of the best MMO's I've played. It's right up there with WoW and Perfect World. As good as WoW? Not yet, but give it 5 years or so. It's great. It's just a little...expensive? In-game, that is. Money is spent fast, and rarely do you get money from kills, so most income is earned during quests.


Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
Lucifer Avatar
So I picked up Aion finally. It's one of the best MMO's I've played. It's right up there with WoW and Perfect World. As good as WoW? Not yet, but give it 5 years or so. It's great. It's just a little...expensive? In-game, that is. Money is spent fast, and rarely do you get money from kills, so most income is earned during quests.

Any more thoughts about the game? Still on the fence about getting it to try it unless there is a free trail download.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Basically, it's as good as MMO's you won't be disappointed. But, if you're a big WoW guy (or maybe some other MMO), I can't guarantee you'll like this better. It's definitely its own game and it plays great and looks even better. There are some things I don't really like:

-When you die, you resurrect at an obelisk that you bind to (which costs money). Which means if you forgot/couldn't afford to bind to an obelisk nearest your location, you'll have to trudge back there or pay to fly/teleport back there. Very inconvenient, especially since EVERYTHING costs a lot in this game. Which wouldn't be a huge deal if it wasn't for the second problem.

-Auction house limit. In WoW, you can throw down about as many items as you want (if I remember correctly) and just wait for people to take them off your hands and basically earn an income even while you're logged off. In this game, you have a limit of 10 items. That means that you have to prioritize what will sell and what will bring in the most money.

-Which is the last thing about this game. Shit is EXPENSIVE. In WoW, at around level 20, you can get your basic weapon for less than a gold at a shop (if I recall). In this game, it costs around 30,000 Kinah (roughly 3 gold). For those who don't play WoW, that may not sound like much, but WoW utilizes Copper, Silver, and Gold (100 goes into each). So 100 copper is 1 silver. 100 silver is 1 gold or 10,000 copper. Kinah is pretty much the same as copper. If not more valuable. The only income is from quests (only a few thousand Kinah per quest which is lame) or selling miscellaneous items (you know, things like "Broken Claws" or "Tattered Hide" or "Bird Eye" or whatever random item each creature drops). These things tend to bring in a lot of Kinah, so if you're ever poor, you can always grind for both EXP and random items to sell.

Those are really the only two big flaws I've found. The game gets VERY hard around level 15 or so. The quests demand groups. I usually don't like grouping with non-friends. You never know the other person's agenda, what quests they're doing, how good they are, etc. So basically, I tend to solo my MMO's (and it works great in all that I've played). In this one, when it says it's a level 17 quest, that could very well mean that you have to have a group of 15-18 level characters fulfilling most roles (healer, DPS, tank, etc). Today, I actually broke down and grouped with some people in an area that is literally impossible to solo (I'm level 21 and I couldn't get past the bridge into the area for level 18 and lower quests). It turned out great and everyone did a great job (even our healer who was a total n00b--more than me).

So...yeah. If you're huge into WoW, I might not suggest it just because you WILL hate the things I mentioned. To the point of hating the game. If you're used to playing other MMO's or you're open minded, it's definitely worth a try, but maybe not worth the $50 and $15 monthly fee. You get your first month free which can serve as a trial run, but $50 is a lot for a one month trial. It all depends on what your financial status is, really. Personally, this is my favorite MMO. It has that polished feel of WoW with the Korean grindfest feel to it (not that it's a grindfest--no really, it's not--but I love Korean MMO's like 12Sky and Perfect World). For me, this is an awesome game.

There is no downloadable demo/trial of the game, but there IS a refer a friend option (should you have a friend--this guy--who has the game). The only issue is that it's a 5 hour trial (that may include install/download/setup time--I don't know) with a level cap of 7. Not only does this rush your play time (and essentially demand that your entire trial is in one sitting), but it rushes you to a stupid-ass level. At 10, you "ascend" and get your wings (basically the gimmick this game has to try and look unique). And wings are definitely fun and become more and more important in the game as you progress. Denying someone the option to ascend in their trial is like giving a WoW trial saying, "You can play elves in this game, but you can only play an orc in the trial". Kinda stupid.
