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Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
So are you a heavy sleeper or lite one? Easily to be waken or do you need a bomb to go off before you are waken?

Also Do you sleep talk, walk, fight or anything?

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Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
I barely get enough sleep as it is. For example all this week the most amount of sleep I've gotten in a night was 4 hours. So when I go to bed, I'm so exhausted I'm out like a light, and I'm a heavy sleeper, hard to wake up because I don't want to get up, and yeah that's about it.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
When I'm actually a sleep, I don't wake up. However, when I'm in my REM (the light part of the sleep cycle), I ALWAYS wake up due to back problems or any sort of silence.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm a very heavy sleeper.
Fireworks, thunder, people shouting me, I just don't wake up for ages and ages. The problem though is, when I DO wake up, I find it very difficult to get to sleep. Even when I am extremely tired, I find it hard getting to sleep, but once I am there, I can't be woken lol.

I have slept talked a couple times. One time I woke myself up with it, and remember it and thought to myself "I'll remember this dream when I wake up", I fell back to sleep.. What did I actually say?
"50 aint right that way".
The thing is, to this day I can remember it making sense in my dream, I just can't remember what the dream was haha.


Neversoft Avatar

Dedicated Member


July 2006
when I actually manage to get to sleep, it takes a hell of a lot to wake me up. I have all the alarms set on 2 cell phones, plus my alarm clock, and it takes all of that to make me up.

As for doing stuff while I sleep, as far as I know I dont do any of that :P
Jesus christ, I've been here 3 years :o (Oh lawd, its 4 now)



abZebras Avatar



June 2008
pretty heavy, through storms & vacuuming & such.

Although lately I've really shifted my sleep to early bed/early wake up.
And I'm getting 7-8hrs of sleep :D

Last Edit: Jan 16, 2010 16:17:51 GMT by abZebras


Jim Avatar
Josh was here.

Studio Member


September 2005
I can and have slept through storms, firealarms, parties, etc. But if someone says my name, opens my door, or turns the bathroom light on (right across the hall from me... I hear the switch, I don't see the light) I'll wake up.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
Wow Jim thats kinda odd considering the things that you have slept thru.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I can sleep through just about anything.... but for some reason saying my name will wake me up just about right away. :P I am notorious for sleeping through my alarm or hitting dismiss instead of snooze on my phone... that's quite the nuisance.


Twerque Avatar
make my way back home when i learn to fly.

Studio Member


December 2009
I'm an extremely heavy sleeper P: I slept through a smoke detector alarm that went off right above my head once. I'm a little scared to live alone because of it xD
Signature coming~


Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
I'm a heavy sleeper, but incredibly light when it comes to any annoying noises, alarm included. But really, if I wake up to annoying noises, it's really just long enough to figure out what it is and if I can turn it off, and once it's off I'll go back to sleep.


Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
well when i was in high school i was a heavy sleeper.. i could sleep through just about anything but now its kinda 50/50 at times i can be sound asleep others very light sleeper *shrugs*


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Twerque Avatar
I'm an extremely heavy sleeper P: I slept through a smoke detector alarm that went off right above my head once. I'm a little scared to live alone because of it xD

When you start coughing from the smoke, I guarantee you'll wake yourself up. :P

In a similar story, I've slept through tornado sirens multiple times.

Last Edit: Jan 18, 2010 20:06:17 GMT by Chris


Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
I think the worst i have slept through was the MicroBurst we had in our area many, many years ago


Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
The worst I slept through was my dad yellking at the top of his lungs (while asleep) saying that the fire alarm was going off and if I didn't wake up and get out soon I'd die. Yet, I don't remember that at all. I only know it happened because my mom told me the next morning. I of course immediately burst out laughing.
