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Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Tovarisch Avatar
Then you can just use the &noheaders thing to see the year the person was born in.

Plus, im sure the main profile also display the age as well as the date.

Well, if someone really wants to see it, yeah. But for most people, I doubt they care that much.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I can't see it being implemented at SZ, mainly because I personally don't see much use for it. If you don't want your age known, just hide your birthday in general. All the staff here can still see birthdays so they could still wish you a happy birthday if you're an active member. If you aren't active, what's the point for the achievement anyways? :P

As for a public code... I'd say request it, but your request is profile editable and SZ doesn't do those. I can add it to my to-do list though.


Nitro Avatar
If they pick you out, you're on your way to a once upon a time that never ends.

Official Member


January 2010
I can see what you all mean. :P No, don't go out of your way for it, unless you really want to, but it was just a thought. :) Thanks anyway.
