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Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
I'm completely unfamiliar with CSS. :P

I do have a question though - is it possible to make, say, a category bar, or a title bar only have a dropshadow?

Joe Kerr

Joe Kerr Avatar
Why So Serious?


June 2010
Can dropshadows be done with CSS? If you can i am sure it is possible..
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Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
Joe Kerr Avatar
Can dropshadows be done with CSS? If you can i am sure it is possible..

..... isn't that my question? ???


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
CSS3 has a box-shadow property. See here for more details on it.

Keep in mind that only CSS3-enabled browsers support and can utilize this feature. In other words, anyone who uses IE or an outdated version of another browser will not be able to use this :P
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


Russell Avatar

New Member


November 2006
I can be done but i would reccomend just making the bar slightly higher and including in into a background-image as IE does not like the new feature.

If you really want to go for it try something like this
<!--[if IE]>
///Backgrounded image bar in here

and then <![if !IE]> with the CSS3 to avoid any issues

hope that makes sense
