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Quick Links:


Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
You think links is going to be a short tutorial? Well your half right. In this tutorial, we will cover every link type I can think of. And maybe some I can’t too.

Basic Link
The basic link code, as you probably already know, is the following:

<a href=”URL HERE”>TEXT HERE</a>

Replacing the url here with the link and text here with the text the link will have.

Linked Picture
If you want to use a link code, and a picture code to make a linked picture, lets put the two codes together.


<a href=”URL HERE”>TEXT HERE</a>


<img src=”IMAGE URL HERE”>


<a href=”URL HERE”><img src=”IMAGE URL HERE”></a>

See how I combined them? First we tell the code that we want to make a link, then we tell the code that the picture is going to be the link, then we end the link.

Manipulating the Link Text
So you want your link to be bold? Or red? Or something else? Well your in luck. Its easy. All you have to do is put the tags in the link code like you did with the picture.

Here is an example:

<a href=”URL HERE”><font color=red><b>LINK TEXT</b></font></a>

Works the same way. Make a link, make the text, end the link. Its that simple!

Links On Page
Ever wonder how FAQs work, when you click a link and it goes down the page ot that question? Well its not as hard as it looks. I’ll show you 2 examples, and then explain them.

<a href=”#linktest”>Click Here!</a>

<a id=linktest></a>

The first code, creates the link, which would be a question at the top at an FAQ. The second however, is what receives the link. It’s the place the link goes to. So it would e where the question is answered on a page.

There are a few more types of links that I didn’t go through, but I meant for this to be a short tutorial :P try experimenting with links and see wat you get. It’s a fun world out there in html land!


Elite Charizard

Elite Charizard Avatar
Previously known as The Terminator™

Official Member


January 2006
<a href="http://???.com" target="*">
Where * indicates:
_blank: Open in new window (or tab)
_self: open in same window (or tab)
_parent: Open a new window (even if tabbed browsing)
_top: I dunno what this does.
Don't click Here!
/*Fooling signature
By The Terminator*/
var Spelling="Signature" //Spelling of Signature
/*Don't edit*/
document.write("Sig" + Spelling + "ture")


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
_top is used in iframes or frames. It opens in the top frame level to my knowledge.
