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Elite Charizard

Elite Charizard Avatar
Previously known as The Terminator™

Official Member


January 2006
Before starting the tut, I just wanna tell you, THIS IS JUST THE BASIC. There is lots... more you can do, but right now:

Lesson one: <FORM>
While starting a form, never forget to put <FORM> in the beginning and </FORM> at the end. Without this, the form won't function to submit. Though the form is completely viewable, the submit button doesn't do anything.
The blue part is optional (if you want a functional form). YOUR EMAIL ADRESS should be your email adress. The form will get mailed to that.

Lesson 2: Text Box and Text Area

Now, just putting the <FORM> tags won't help, you need more! You need to enter text!
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="name" SIZE="30">
*input type: Leave it as it is.
*name: The name of the feild. It will appear in your email. (w/ the text)
*size: The amount of chars which will be seen (you may type in how much ever you want, but it wil only show you 30 chars of what you've typed).
/value: If you add VALUE="Text" to the tag, you will notice that text automatically goes into the box upon page load.
Now you've got something like comment, and wan't that to have a big box, use
<TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=6 COLS=40>
*name: You know that
*rows: The number of rows the viewer can see
*cols: The number of cols the viewer can see
/value: You know that

Lesson 3: The Radio Button

Ever wondered how people could make a poll? Here's the solution:
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="heading of button" VALUE="button name">
*type: Leave it as it is.
*name: The name of your radio buttons.
*value: Now this is a little confusing. The name of this button.
Why would I wan't to type the name of the radio buttons again and again?
Uh.. This is something like this:
NAME="signing_in_from_" VALUE="home_page"
So it would display signing_in_from_home_page in your email.

Lesson 4: Checkbox

VERY VERY similar to the radio buttons, only these allow multiple selections.
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Signing_in_from_" VALUE="Home_page" selected>
See? The same way, just change TYPE="radio" to TYPE="checkbox"
You know how to do this! so no need of instructions!
The only thing you need to know is selected will put a check mark in the box.

Lesson 5: Dropdown

<SELECT NAME="Favorite_Color" SIZE="1">
*name: The name of the form
*size: The number of lines that should be displayed. I prefer one.
*<OPTION>: The options which will be in the DD. Simpler that the others, eh?
*<OPTION SELECTED>: This will be the option which will be selected on Page load.

Lesson 6: Submit/Reset

<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="Send it to me!">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" value="Destroy this.... quiz?!?">
*type: Leave it as it is
*value: What text do you wan't on the button?

Lesson 7: </FORM>


Lesson 8: Thats... that?

No! Waych out for my next one, Creating a form (intermediate) which is gonna come.
The Terminator
Don't click Here!
/*Fooling signature
By The Terminator*/
var Spelling="Signature" //Spelling of Signature
/*Don't edit*/
document.write("Sig" + Spelling + "ture")
