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Nate Avatar

Official Member


July 2007
First of all sorry Crazy_J, but I noticed you missed quite a few things. Second of all if you do not know the functions if, for, function, replace, or grabbing info from forms you do not belong here :).

Alright, I took one of my old N00b codes (XP) and fixed it up and tested it, it works, and it's cross-browser.
Every piece of the code, and more are explained.
It is an admin editable news hack. Here's the code:

Main Header:

<script type="text/javascript">

//Made by Nate for Admin Tutorial
//This may not be used or reposted without permission
//Leave this header intact

var Tbg1="titlebg";
var Tbg2="windowbg";
var Twidth="650";
var TnewsTitle="News";
var Tnews="Insert News here.";
var Tdisplay = "";
var nTable="<br><center><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' class='bordercolor' width='"+Twidth+"' id='tehNews' style='display :"+Tdisplay+"'>";
nTable += "<tr class='"+Tbg1+"'>";
nTable += "<td align='center'><b><font class='text1' size='2'>"+TnewsTitle+"</font></b></td>";
nTable += "</tr>";
nTable += "<tr class='"+Tbg2+"'>";
nTable += "<td align='center'>"+Tnews+"</td>";
nTable += "</tr>";
nTable += "</table></center><br><br>";


Main Footer:

<script type="text/javascript">

//Made by Nate for Admin Tutorial
//This may not be used or reposted without permission
//Leave this header intact

var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
div[x].innerHTML+='<br><a href="index.cgi?action=headersfooters2&id=-&type=newsprefs">News System Preferences</a>'
document.title = document.title.split("-")[0] += '- News Preferences';
var table = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
var aTable = "<center><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' bgcolor='#000000' width='92%'>";
aTable += "<tr class='titlebg'><td>News System Preferences</td></tr>";
aTable += "<tr class='windowbg'><td><center><table>";
aTable += "<tr><td align='left'>News Title:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='newsTitle' value='"+TnewsTitle+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the title of your news.<Br>Example: News, Articles etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Class 1:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='bg1' value='"+Tbg1+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the class for the row<br> that has your news title on it.<br> Example: titlebg, catbg, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Class 2:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='bg2' value='"+Tbg2+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the class for the row<br> that has your news on it.<br> Example: windowbg, windowbg2, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Width:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='width' value='"+Twidth+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the width of the news table.<br> Example: 750, 92%, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Display:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><select id='tDisplay'><option value=''>Show</option><option value='none'>Hide</option></select></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>Choose Show or Hide.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left' valign='top'>News:</div></td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><textarea id='news' rows='6'>"+Tnews+"</textarea><br><input type='submit' value='Save Changes to News' onClick='newsupdate();'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right' valign='top'>Quite simply this is your News.<br></td>";
aTable += "</tr>";
aTable += "</table></center>";
aTable += "</td></tr></table></center>";
var TD = document.getElementsByTagName('TD');
if(TD[n].innerHTML.match(/headers and footers have/i) && TD[n].className.match(/windowbg/i)){
TD[n].innerHTML = TD[n].innerHTML.replace('Your headers and footers have been successfully updated.','Your News System preferences have been updated successfully.');
function newsupdate(){
var hreplace = document.forms[h].header;
var newsTitleVal = document.getElementById('newsTitle').value;
var bg1Val = document.getElementById('bg1').value;
var bg2Val = document.getElementById('bg2').value;
var widthVal = document.getElementById('width').value;
var newsVal = document.getElementById('news').value;
var tDisplay = document.getElementById('tDisplay');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tbg1=".*"/i,'var Tbg1="'+bg1Val+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tbg2=".*"/i,'var Tbg2="'+bg2Val+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Twidth=".*"/i,'var Twidth="'+widthVal+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var TnewsTitle=".*"/i,'var TnewsTitle="'+newsTitleVal+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tnews=".*"/i,'var Tnews="'+newsVal+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tdisplay = ".*"/i,'var Tdisplay = "'+tDisplay[tDisplay.selectedIndex].value+'"');


I. The Header

Alright you should know the script tags the blockers and the quotes so let's start with the variables in the header.
As you can see there are variables in the header:
var Tbg1="titlebg";
var Tbg2="windowbg";
var Twidth="650";
var TnewsTitle="News";
var Tnews="Insert News here.";
var Tdisplay = "";
var nTable="<br><center><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' class='bordercolor' width='"+Twidth+"' id='tehNews' style='display :"+Tdisplay+"'>";
nTable += "<tr class='"+Tbg1+"'>";
nTable += "<td align='center'><b><font class='text1' size='2'>"+TnewsTitle+"</font></b></td>";
nTable += "</tr>";
nTable += "<tr class='"+Tbg2+"'>";
nTable += "<td align='center'>"+Tnews+"</td>";
nTable += "</tr>";
nTable += "</table></center><br><br>";

The colors link the variables with where they go. So just examine it and you should get it.

II. The Footer.

Okay, let's do it little by little. First the admin link:
var div = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
div[x].innerHTML+='<br><a href="index.cgi?action=headersfooters2&id=-&type=newsprefs">News System Preferences</a>';

Red = If statement for whenever the admin panel is displayed, \w+3 is for whenever there's some thing like headersfooters3 in the url.
Blue = Defining Div
Brown = Looping through the Divs
Purple = Define's div[x] as a div that contains Headers and Footers in it's innerHTML
Green = Adds to the Div the link to your new page.
Bold = Notice how it's on the headers and footers page.
Italics = This is the id of the headers and footers which is explained at the end.

III. Making your new page.

document.title = document.title.split("-")[0] += '- News Preferences';
var table = document.getElementsByTagName('table');

Red = If statement, if what's in the parentheses is in your url then it does whatever is in the {}'s
Blue = Adds to the title whatever is in quotes.
Green = Defines table
Purple = loops through the tables starting at the forth one
Orange = Hides table

IIII. Creating your new page. Part Two.

Ok so now you have a page with a welcome table on it weeeee.
So we need to add some HTML,

var aTable = "<center><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3' bgcolor='#000000' width='92%'>";
aTable += "<tr class='titlebg'><td>News System Preferences</td></tr>";
aTable += "<tr class='windowbg'><td><center><table>";
aTable += "<tr><td align='left'>News Title:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='newsTitle' value='"+TnewsTitle+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the title of your news.<Br>Example: News, Articles etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Class 1:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='bg1' value='"+Tbg1+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the class for the row<br> that has your news title on it.<br> Example: titlebg, catbg, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Class 2:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='bg2' value='"+Tbg2+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the class for the row<br> that has your news on it.<br> Example: windowbg, windowbg2, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Width:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><input type='text' id='width' value='"+Twidth+"'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>This is the width of the news table.<br> Example: 750, 92%, etc.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left'>Display:</td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><select id='tDisplay'><option value=''>Show</option><option value='none'>Hide</option></select></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right'>Choose Show or Hide.</td>";
aTable += "</tr><tr><td align='left' valign='top'>News:</div></td>";
aTable += "<td align='center'><textarea id='news' rows='6'>"+Tnews+"</textarea><br><input type='submit' value='Save Changes to News' onClick='newsupdate();'></td>";
aTable += "<td align='right' valign='top'>Quite simply this is your News.<br></td>";
aTable += "</tr>";
aTable += "</table></center>";
aTable += "</td></tr></table></center>";

Alright I am not going through this whole thing, I did highlight somethings though.
Red = ID these are the most important part you'll need them later.
Blue = These are the values defined in the header.
Purple = This is your funtion name, defined later.

IIIII. A nice touch.

Alright this is a piece Moose showed me how to do. It's optional but a nice touch and I recommend it. It replaces "Your headers and footers have been successfully updated" with whatever you want so it makes it look like it wasn't the headers and footers page you were on.

var TD = document.getElementsByTagName('TD');
if(TD[n].innerHTML.match(/headers and footers have/i) && TD[n].className.match(/windowbg/i)){
TD[n].innerHTML = TD[n].innerHTML.replace('Your headers and footers have been successfully updated.','Your News System preferences have been updated successfully.');

Red = This is the little piece from your new pages url.
Blue = This is what their editing.

IIIIII. Saving

Now before you started you were probaly thinking how the heck do you save. I don't know who figured out this simple, genius idea, but all you do is replace text in the textboxes, that is why it is located on the h/f page.
function newsupdate(){
var hreplace = document.forms[h].header;
var newsTitleVal = document.getElementById('newsTitle').value;
var bg1Val = document.getElementById('bg1').value;
var bg2Val = document.getElementById('bg2').value;
var widthVal = document.getElementById('width').value;
var newsVal = document.getElementById('news').value;

var tDisplay = document.getElementById('tDisplay');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tbg1=".*"/i,'var Tbg1="'+bg1Val+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tbg2=".*"/i,'var Tbg2="'+bg2Val+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Twidth=".*"/i,'var Twidth="'+widthVal+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var TnewsTitle=".*"/i,'var TnewsTitle="'+newsTitleVal+'"');
hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tnews=".*"/i,'var Tnews="'+newsVal+'"');

hreplace.value = hreplace.value.replace(/var Tdisplay = ".*"/i,'var Tdisplay = "'+tDisplay[tDisplay.selectedIndex].value+'"');


Red = Defining the functin so it can be called later
Blue = The looping through of document.forms with the variable h.
Green = If there is a document.form that contains a .header then it is defined document.forms[h]
These are the variables from the text forms.
Yellow = There are two yellows the defined variable and the replace part.
Orange = These are the replace functions that replaces text in the header examine it and the header next to each othe, notice any similarities.
White = Submits the froms and all of the info.

IIIIIII. Headers and Footers Links

Alright I'm just gonna post them

Global Headers and Footers [index.cgi?action=headersfooters2&id=*]
Main Headers and Footers [index.cgi?action=headersfooters2&id=-]
Board Headers and Footers [index.cgi?action=headersfooters2&id=BOARD_ID] (EDIT CAPS)

There you go, that should be it, if you have any other questions though just post them here, but please post your codes if they're not working in support.

Last Edit: Jun 7, 2006 0:25:48 GMT by Nate

Very Very nice, detailed tutorial. Im sure this will be very helpful. Has helped me :)


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Heh, very nice tutorial for it Nate. :P I plan to finish up mine soon and we'll see which works better.


Virtuoso Avatar

Senior Member


May 2006
Hehe, Not bad. :)


Simie Avatar



May 2006
Been waiting for something like this :P
Thanks :)


Moose Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Nicely done. Although I am not a promoter of most admin hacks or tutorials on how to do them, I have to say you did a fine job on explaning this. I think though that this is one of the things that is actually held as being hard when it really isn't. n00bs used to overate coders when they made admin hacks and wanted to be just like them. But I guess if you teach the n00bs they won't do that anymore. Although no one has ever explained the more complex admin hacks(which are still simple to me) that use large arrays to store information or use div elements to dump information. Anyway the kids gotta start somewhere and that is a good place to start. :P
Greg says:
Coding music...
Greg says:
Greg says:
I wouldn't rule it out. :P
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
Greg says:
If you think about machine code it's a bunch of 1s and 0s
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
Anything is possible.
Greg says:
Yeah try to code Metallica
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
:P Yeah, I'll get right on that... right after I learn to fly.


blu Avatar
My Person Text...

Official Member


January 2007
Nice, but I will have to reread it a couple of times before I get it completely.
