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crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Code Description: Under each board 2 links will appear, one the create a new thread in that board the other for a new poll.
Code Placement: Main Footers ONLY
Code Creator: CrAzY_J
<script type="text/javascript">
Create new thread/poll on Main Page
by CrAzY_J ( )
Do not redistribute or modify this code without the creator's permission
This copyright header must stay intact at all time*/

function GetEl( el )
if( el.nodeType != "3" )
return document.body.getElementsByTagName( el );

var TD = GetEl( "td" );
for( t = 0 ; t < TD.length ; t ++ )
if( TD.item(t).width == "66%" && TD.item(t).className == "windowbg2" && TD.item(t).getElementsByTagName( "a" ))
var Href = document.createElement( "a" );
var Ahref = document.createElement( "a" )
Href.href = TD.item(t).getElementsByTagName( "a" ).item(1).href + '&action=post';
Href.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Create New Thread' ) );
TD.item(t).appendChild( document.createElement( "br" ) );
TD.item(t).appendChild( Href );
TD.item(t).appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' | ') )
Ahref.href = TD.item(t).getElementsByTagName( "a" ).item(1).href + '&action=createpoll';
Ahref.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Create New Poll' ) );
TD.item(t).appendChild( Ahref );

Last Edit: Jun 30, 2006 21:13:07 GMT by Chris
