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crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Code description: When you reply to a thread the topic summary will be reversed. So the newest post will be on the top
Code creator: CrAzY_J
Code placement: Global Footers

Thank you: CDdude229 and David for beta testing. And of course Peter too :)

<script type="text/javascript">
/* Reverse Topic Summary
Code created by CrAzY_J
Do no redistribute without the express permission of the creator

Global Footers*/
var Atreyu = [];
var Korn = document.body.getElementsByTagName("table");
function Metallica()
   for( var Head = 0 ; Head < Korn.length ; Head ++ )
      if( Korn[Head].cellPadding == "2" && Korn[Head].cellSpacing == "1" && Korn[Head].rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML.match(/Topic\sSummary/) )
         for( var SOAD = 1 ; SOAD < Korn[Head].rows.length ; SOAD += 2 )
            Atreyu.push( Korn[Head].rows[SOAD+1] );
            Atreyu.push( Korn[Head].rows[SOAD] );
            Korn[Head].firstChild.removeChild( Korn[Head].rows[SOAD] );
            SOAD --;
         Korn[Head].appendChild( Atreyu[Atreyu.length-1] );
         for( var mudv = 0 ; mudv < Atreyu.length ; mudv ++ )
            Korn[Head].firstChild.appendChild( Atreyu[mudv] );

if( this.location.href.match(/action=post&/i) )



Last Edit: Jun 30, 2006 21:14:46 GMT by Chris
