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Zelnen Avatar

Official Member


June 2006
Ok well you proboly saw my tacky first version well this one of fab!

The lil birthday box image appers next to the birthday peoples place when they post and in the birthday box.

Put this in javascript

function birthday(){

var names = new Array()

var frameTD = window.frames['zelnen'].document.getElementsByTagName('TD')

if(frameTD[x].className=="row4" && frameTD[x].innerHTML.match("birthday today")){

links = frameTD[x].getElementsByTagName("a")

for (k=0; k<links.length; k++){
names[k] = links[k].innerHTML

spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span')

for (t=0; t<spans.length; t++) {
if ( spans[t].className == "normalname"){
for (i=0; i<names.length; i++){
if (spans[t].innerHTML.match(names)){
spans[t].innerHTML = spans[t].innerHTML + " " + "<Img src=\"\">"



tds = document.getElementsByTagName("td");

for (t=0; t<tds.length; t++){
if (tds[t].innerHTML.match("birthday") && tds[t].className == "row4") {
tds[t].innerHTML = tds[t].innerHTML + ""

links = tds[t].getElementsByTagName("a")
for (x=0; x<links.length; x++){
links[x].innerHTML = links[x].innerHTML + " " + "<Img src=\"\">"



And put this into footers:

<IFRAME onload="birthday()" src="" width=0% height=0% name="zelnen" border=0></IFRAME>

Change the red to your board URL.

Last Edit: Jun 30, 2006 21:34:53 GMT by Zelnen
