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Jamie85 Avatar

Studio Member


August 2005
The one above isn't funny either. It's just like someone is blatantly screaming for attention ::)


Zcourge Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
Since so many has voted for number three and four, I'll go with them and add a third T-shirt to the twist which will read as follows (translated from Swedish which sort makes it loose the pun): Do not argue with the person being flambéd!

It jumped out of my mouth during a laboration in Biology and we had to flambé the openings to all bottles containing chemicals to reduce the risk of contamination, and someone had been poking fun at me, so I turned around and said that.. And now I've given them more ammo in order to poke fun at me. But, oh well, I like to make fun of myself anyway. ;D I'll order the T-shirts later this week and hopefully have them by next week or something. So, keep your eyes open for images!


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
zcourge said:
I've decided to purchase three T-shirts with custom prints, and the problem is that I'm having difficulties deciding what the messages should read. I've come down to the following four.

Now I need help deciding which three I should choose and if anyone has a suggestion, then your more than welcome to add that to the list. When I've acquired the T-shirts I'll take some photos and post them here, so that you can see the final result!

1: There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
2: Carpe Noctem (black T-shirt with white text)
3: It's not that I am anti-social. I just don't like you.
4: I’m a bomb technician, if you see me running: try to keep up.

First one. It aways makes me laugh since over half the people who read it probably won't get it. I've heard the second two before and they are, quite frankly, old. The second is just kinda boring. Go with the first one. Though I thought it was 11, not 10.


Zcourge Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
If you had read my last post you would've known your kind of late with your suggestions. I've already ordered the T-shirts..


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Yeah, I know, but I was just saying my part. Those sayings are really old and I doubt many would find them funny only because everyone has heard them. Plus, if you get more, I'd still say go with the first one, but whatever.

I love 4: I’m a bomb technician, if you see me running: try to keep up.

Thats too funny I wish i could get a shirt like that :P


Zcourge Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
I ordered my T-shirts from a local store, but I think there are loads of good stores on the net if you want a T-shirt with a custom print. Although, you'll probably have pay a rather pricy shipping.. :(

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2005 6:22:23 GMT by Zcourge


.trance\\ Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Get 1, 3 and 4. I like those ones the best. XD
