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Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Ess Ohh Avatar
oh goody another abortion topic

Josh Avatar
And for those who know me well, this is one belief that I tend to change quite often depending on my mood.

You'd be a great politician. :P

But I agree, it's ok until a certain extent timewise.

...yeah. A lot of people think that. >.< And this is pretty much the only belief that I tend to swap back and forth.

Josh Avatar
Ess Ohh Avatar
oh goody another abortion topic

You'd be a great politician. :P

But I agree, it's ok until a certain extent timewise.

...yeah. A lot of people think that. >.< And this is pretty much the only belief that I tend to swap back and forth.

You would be perfect for that job! :)
Anyways , I am Against Abortion and that is Finale!


Jim Avatar
Josh was here.

Studio Member


September 2005
Let me lay it on the line plain and simple.

I don't give a royal fuck about what any other country believes when it comes to this topic, but in America, where we're supposed to be free and have a choice (granted I know this is limited to an extent... you have to give up some freedom in order to keep the majority of it, there is no denying that) over what you do.

Abortion should be legal everywhere in America. After so long into the pregnancy it can't be legally done anyway. But these fetuses have no rights and are not citizens until they are born. They are no counted in the census, so the government does not see them as citizens, and therefore they do not yet have the right to life.

It isn't murder. As I said, they're not seen as being alive. You are taking a chance away, but ya know what, big fucking deal. If that's what the mother wants to do, then let her do it. Adoption doesn't always cover it, there will forever be a void that will never, ever be filled in that child.

My cousin had an abortion, and I'm glad she did. The lifestyle she lived would have damaged that child so badly it never would have been able to go anywhere in society or in life. Not even have the chance is better than facing the cruelty of people when you have a disability.

I leave you now with an absolutely wonderful poster.


Moose Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Abortion should be the absolute last resort. I am pro-choice with a twist, and mind you, I am also a registered democrat, but that was mainly so I could vote for Obama in my primary. Believe it or not, you were all once just a mere pile of cells and still technically are. You could have been aborted and denied the chance to live, but fortunately for you, you weren't. Mistakes happen, I understand, but two wrongs don't make a right. If you aren't mature enough to raise the child you conceived then man up to that and put him or her up for adoption. It may be painful, but in my opinion, it's something that must be done. I feel abortion should still be legal even though I am against it. If a woman is dead set against having the child, she will find a way to get rid of it unfortunately. There are other means of destroying the fetus such as a slaughter house where damage can also be done to the said woman. So in my opinion, abortion should be legal, and it can only be only hoped that the woman will make the right choice to have the baby. It really is her body, and she can't be forced to carry the baby. A child is a blessing though that many women desire to have but can't. Imagine having miscarriage after miscarriage only to see many women have the ability to retain a baby but ultimately destroy it. My dream would be for every woman to be mature and responsible enough to go through with the pregnancy and have the baby and at least be willing to go through the adoption process. Also with abortion, while I feel it should be legal, I feel that under no circumstance should a pregnancy be terminated after the first trimester. That's the bottom line as I see it.
Greg says:
Coding music...
Greg says:
Greg says:
I wouldn't rule it out. :P
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
Greg says:
If you think about machine code it's a bunch of 1s and 0s
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
Anything is possible.
Greg says:
Yeah try to code Metallica
Chris 3.0 [New features? Yes.] says:
:P Yeah, I'll get right on that... right after I learn to fly.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
I choose to ignore Jim's posts just 'cause he and I can manage to respect each others differences on it. Besides, starting a debate with him is pretty much pointless. :P

Moose Avatar
A child is a blessing though that many women desire to have but can't.

That's why I feel so strongly about it. In a way... I should have already been a mother. To see my own friends, and finding out that my own sister has had an abortion, gets under my skin. I'm Pro-Life, period. I only believe abortions should be allowed in rape, or when the mother's life could be at risk. However, I will never have one. Even if it was rape, or it was mine versus my child's life, I would go through with the pregnancy. I firmly believe that life starts at conception, especially once there's a heartbeat. I won't go as far as calling it murder, but yes, I've shunned my friends for it. I'll admit it.

I see it like this. You don't want a child, then don't be having sex. Or, be smart and use multiple forms of contraception. Because if I can't end up having kids like I fear that I can't.. and I see my friends going through abortions as if it was birth control, I swear I'll end up snapping.
