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Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
lol everyone assumes it it from the movie, but technically it is not.

My bro and I when we were like 11 made a site called "fredymovies" which featured "animations" made in pain and windows movie maker featuring a character named fredy that we had drawn accidentally one day.

That site eventually went to the dumps, and we decided to open another one, cheese and crackers. We decided for security reasons that we would assume aliases. I took fredy, and he took jason because we named another character from fredy movies after our brother jason.

I've had fredy ever since. :P

To technically, there is no connection. Pure coincidence. :P


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Andrew McGivery Avatar
lol everyone assumes it it from the movie, but technically it is not.

My bro and I when we were like 11 made a site called "fredymovies" which featured "animations" made in pain and windows movie maker featuring a character named fredy that we had drawn accidentally one day.

That site eventually went to the dumps, and we decided to open another one, cheese and crackers. We decided for security reasons that we would assume aliases. I took fredy, and he took jason because we named another character from fredy movies after our brother jason.

I've had fredy ever since. :P

To technically, there is no connection. Pure coincidence. :P

No connection that you guys were Fredy and Jason? I call bull.


JD Avatar


June 2008
Jambuster from my PS Network name - Just because I thought it was a cool spin off from James... obviously I was wrong :-/

Wedge, because I'm in the mixed sixth form of a girls school (There's 5 lads in the whole place) and my year 9 stalkers call it me... and it sort of stuck with everyone. :P

Jammus is another one... just don't ask.


Zac Avatar

Senior Member


January 2008
I started out with just Zac, that's my name. Then it shifted to Zac Man, which is what my mom calls me :P

Then, for a site I used ZacharyYoung94 for a while. That's first, and last name plus the year I was born. It returned to Zac for a while, and then Aquerix. I got it off a sci-fi writers website for an alien name, then I morphed it a bit.

There you are! :)
