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Spektral Avatar

New Member


July 2009
Facts: Obama is NOT a godsend.

He's not Mr. Fixit. If we're real lucky, he'll make the economy a bit better in his first term, and if we're real lucky, he'll do what's right about terrorism (and that does not include negotiation).

Unfortunately, waging new wars means our economy suffers more as well. So unless we see a WWIII where America is not heavily involved, war will only hurt our economy.

So it's up to us to choose: The war on terror or the war on poverty?

If only we could have our cake and eat it too.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
Kay Avatar
Benjamin Avatar
And just to let you all know, if President Obama were to have an affair, it would hands down be with Kay.

I admit, I lol'd. Which is why I'm not sure if I want to kick you or hug you.

... both? :-[
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
