Round three ftw?! Your goal in this game is to figure out what I searched for to come up with the image I provide to you guys. It's similar to 20 questions, but there's no limit on the number of questions. Here's the rules: 1) Using Google Images, I searched a specific phrase to get an image from the first two rows (8 images) of the first page. I searched with safe search completely off as well. Your goal is to guess EXACTLY what I searched for. Word order is irrelevant. 2) You may ask as many yes-no questions as you want. For example, you can ask something like "Is 'handprints' one of the words?" and I will answer either "Yes" or "No." I might occasionally give a little more details. 3) To win, you just need to post a correct guess of the phrase I searched. It doesn't have to be in a fancy question form or anything. Guessing a phrase that produces similar results does not count. The words can be in any order. 4) You may not ask two back-to-back questions. As soon as someone else posts another question or I reply, you may ask again. 5) Everyone who competes will receive 5 points when someone wins the game. The winner of the game will receive 50 points. For every question you ask correctly, you'll receive 1 point as well. 6) After a certain amount of time, I will give out a few hints. So here's the first image: Good luck to everyone.
Is 'gun' one of the words?
Is 'gun' one of the words? It is not.
Is violence one of the words?
Is "john" one of the words?
Is violence one of the words? It is not.
Is "john" one of the words? Nope.
Is "death" one of the words? Death is not. --- Remember guys, asking questions that will narrow down the fields help a lot more tahn guessing at a word.
Um, I'm just going to guess another word. "Fear" Fear is not one of the words. And you can do it how you want, but I'd say trying to get a theme would be easier. *shrugs*
Does one or more word relate to violence (aka... kill, gun, shoot, dead, etc.)?
Does one or more word relate to violence (aka... kill, gun, shoot, dead, etc.)? One of the words can be related to violence, though it is not specifically a violent word like those listed.
Is one of the words girl/woman/teen, etc.?
You searched click click boom.