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Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
So, I'm browsing the Convention Center, trying to find a topic I'd like to reply to... and bam, nothing. They're all news threads about stuff I could either:

a) care less about
b) have just as easily read on a news feed (and probably did)
c) lock

Most apply. :P So, let's create a thread that's actually interesting guys, k? I know I'm not the only one complaining about this stuff and annoyed by it.

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2009 1:25:18 GMT by Chris


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
If people aren't making threads, it's because they don't want to. =p That's how this deal works.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
I am definitely annoyed by it. As I said in the other thread, I go to Digg and Reddit for my "News Clips". These threads don't generate any conversation.

Btw, I'm blaming Fredy. I say we lock him up in the stockade and stone him slowly but surely. :)

I dunno, I find them interesting, Maybe a Current Events sub board?
There's an award for annoying Fredy, how about one for being anoyed by Fredy..?

But I still like the news topics.

OK read the time indexes for this reply and the two above...

Last Edit: Jul 22, 2009 1:34:52 GMT by newfieldgrafix


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
newfieldgrafix Avatar
Jul 22, 2009 1:31:51 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
I dunno, I find them interesting, Maybe a Current Events sub board?
There's an award for annoying Fredy, how about one for being anoyed by Fredy..?

But I still like the news topics.

I think news topics are fine. It's the fact that it looks like all Fredy, Conor, whoever else is doing is just going down the Digg/Reddit homepage, grabbing a random link and copy pasting the news snippet. If you like that, go to Digg and Reddit. They're news sites. Studio Zero is a forum where conversation and opinion rules. At forums, subjectivity rules over objectivity and just posting a paragraph from another site and not giving a damned letter of your opinion is what is so annoying.

Well, I tried a News Thread but insted FAIL


Michael Avatar
*Has a custom title*


October 2007
I don't reply either 'cause they suck! :(


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Josh: Exactly. :P If they'd give a damned opinion or just post something that would CREATE conversation, it isn't an issue.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Just make one topic for the news shit "Stupid news noone cares about but we all ove to read and laugh at, because of the retarded idiots in them".
There. Name the topic that, or similar :o

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
give me a subboard and stfu :D


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
newfieldgrafix Avatar
Jul 22, 2009 1:31:51 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
There's an award for annoying Fredy, how about one for being anoyed by Fredy..?

I would have gotten that achievement the day he registered. <3

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Kay Avatar
newfieldgrafix Avatar
Jul 22, 2009 1:31:51 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
There's an award for annoying Fredy, how about one for being anoyed by Fredy..?

I would have gotten that achievement the day he registered. <3


Am I the only person besides Fredy that thinks they make for an interesting read?

- I'm never gonna get this award at this rate.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
^ Man slashing exercise balls balls for sexual urge = wtf.

Black police man suing over message board = wtf I care? xD


However that credit card spoof was kinda funny and some of them are "okay" but in excess like this it is kinda insane.. Coming into the convention center and seeing 10 new news threads is just ugh.. Lets all talk about cake or something lol.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
IF you're gonna post an article, think about it for a second. Think about if you honestly think it'll create discussion.... if it does, it can be posted. But most of the recent ones I saw will NOT create discussion. :P
