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dmac Avatar

New Member


July 2009

Just did this in Terragen, and spent like 2 mins on it, and yeah I know I should have spent more, but I would like some critques of it :) ..

Suggestions and yeah, hopefully nice suggestions and critques and no oh this sucks stuff.. I been to to many sites that did that... and would never give help on how to improve it.

Last Edit: Jul 23, 2009 19:20:08 GMT by dmac


Conor Avatar



July 2007
idk what terregen is capable of, but from my pov, it looks pretty good.

:: rate 4 ::


dmac Avatar

New Member


July 2009
thanks lol, but yeah Terragen and Terragen 2 can create some amazing landscapes, and many people use it to create some cool things, right now im a noob at it, only been working with it a month or so, not even so yeah I am not that good lol

Examples of Terragen at the hands of Pros or Intermediates:
Example 1
Example 2 Terragen + Photoshop
Example 3

There are tons you can look up, im only getting started lol :)


Justin Avatar

Senior Member


July 2009
hmm, Terragen sound really cool, and it can do cool things.

:: rate 5 ::
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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Not bad a scene, though it looks low quality.
Sharpened too much (pixely/jagged) in places, especially the foreground.
Tbh the whole thing looks like you've sharpened it either in PS or Terragen has a sharpen feature, and you've set it too high by quite a lot. Tone that down and it'd be much better.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Stinky666 Avatar
Not bad a scene, though it looks low quality.
Sharpened too much (pixely/jagged) in places, especially the foreground.
Tbh the whole thing looks like you've sharpened it either in PS or Terragen has a sharpen feature, and you've set it too high by quite a lot. Tone that down and it'd be much better.

Could it be because he saved it as a bitmap?


dmac Avatar

New Member


July 2009
I was thinking just that !! .. I was wondering did the bitmap make it look that crappy? .. I hate Terragen saving it as a bitmap.. but I didn't change it cause i forgot lol...

Thanks for the input though, I will go check that out. Do you know where the button to turn the sharpen down is?

Wha? BMP is far better than JPG, no compression, no loss of quality, no problem...

What dou you mean by "turn the sharpen down"? In TG or PS?


dmac Avatar

New Member


July 2009
it was in TG I never took it over.. I think in the sun and around the clouds it's alittle pixeled or w/e lol.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Can you save png's in terragen?

Conor Avatar
Can you save png's in terragen?

Just raw bitmaps, as far as I'm aware.

@ dmac;
Just above the "Render" button, click the "Advanced" button and increase the individual settings' sliders, it'll take longer but should iron out the pixelated edges.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Lmao, you have to love this:

".bmp is NOT appropriate for the web, ever."

And turn the sharpen down, I'm not sure if Terragen has the feature or not.
Im sure it would have since it can produce some amazing scenes.

GIF is the safest choice when transparency is required.

TBH, considering that they stereotype OS=GFX Software as follows; Linux=GIMP Win=PSP and Mac=PS, suggests "n00bisness"...

download the Java web browser plug-in from Sun's web site. the process is a bit more confusing than it needs to be
how is clicking the Information bar, then install, confusing..?

Even the site's copyright notice is hilarious!

- I know what you mean though el-ow-el...

Back on topic,
I'll fire TG up later and have a look and let you know.


Michael Avatar
*Has a custom title*


October 2007
You need to look at the sun more. Most of it is done really well, however, I can't point out a few parts of it that I don't like really about it ...

The parts in red aren't smooth where as they should be. If you want some really good terragen work then take a look at the work from Sunjo and mAsDesigns v1. The banner bg was done in Terragen.

To be honest, it's good - but you've a way to go! :)

:: rate 2 ::


dmac Avatar

New Member


July 2009
Thanks lol, sorry it took so long to get back to ya, but yeah thanks. I def noticed the problems, and im actually working on exactly those parts haha, even before seeing this.

Thanks :D
