Hey Ya by outkast
Hey John, What's Your Name Again? by The Devil Wears Prada. Good stuff
Rose by Outkast.. Gotta love old school hip hop lol.
Black Fire Upon Us by DethklokI really didn't like this album as much as the first. Not to mention they ruined my FAVORITE song. I always loved the song "I Tamper With Evidence at the Scene of Odin's Murder" (or something to that effect). That's the song at the beginning of the episode Dethlessons where Toki takes a solo. I always loved that solo, but the solo (if you could call it that; it's more of just a lead part than an actual solo) on the album version is NOTHING like it. I was sad.
4th Arra of Dagon by Nile
I finally got around to giving their newest album some actual listens and I must say, I really dig it. This is one of my favorite songs, possibly because the intro has an uncanny resemblance to the song Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten which is one of my favorite Nile songs. I can't tell if it's a direct callback to the song or a ripoff, however. Either way, this whole album is chock full of great songs. I haven't listened TOO closely to it, but on something like my 3rd or 4th time through, a few songs have definitely stuck out, this one being one of them.
Evening Wear - Mindless Self Indulgence [/size]
Signature coming~
Prey by 10 Years
Thank me now - Drake (off the albumn thats supposed to drop the 15th hehe )
I Fucking Hate You by Godsmack
Quite possibly my favorite song of theirs.
Above the Winter Moonlight by Dragonforce
Always been one of my favorite songs by 'em.
Honor by Atreyu
I love this album, but from what I've heard of their new one, that one...not so much.
Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin
Young - Hollywood Undead