Convert Hexadecimal to RGB Syntax: hexToRgb("#454545") or hexToRgb([45, 45, 45]) function hexToRgb(a) { if(typeof a == "string") a = a.match(/\w\w/g); return [ "0x" + a[0] - 0, "0x" + a[1] - 0, "0x" + a[2] - 0 ]; }
Convert Hue/Sat/Lum to Hexadecimal hue: 0-239, sat: 0-240, lum: 0-240Syntax: hslToHex(40, 143, 202) function hslToHex(a, b, c) { var d = 3, e = a / 40 >> 0, f = 0.025 * (a % 40), g = [ e % 5 < 2, e && e < 4, e > 2 ]; g[2 - (1 + e) % 3] -= (e & 1) * 2 * f - f; while(d --) { g[d] *= 255; g[d] -= (g[d] - 127) * (1 - b / 240); g[d] = (g[d] - (c > 120 ? 255 - g[d] : g[d]) * (1 - c / 120) + 0.5 >> 0).toString(16); } return g; }
Convert Hue/Sat/Lum to RGB hue: 0-239, sat: 0-240, lum: 0-240Syntax: hslToRgb(40, 143, 202) function hslToRgb(a, b, c) { var d = 3, e = a / 40 >> 0, f = 0.025 * (a % 40), g = [ e % 5 < 2, e && e < 4, e > 2 ]; g[2 - (1 + e) % 3] -= (e & 1) * 2 * f - f; while(d --) { g[d] *= 255; g[d] -= (g[d] - 127) * (1 - b / 240); g[d] = g[d] - (c > 120 ? 255 - g[d] : g[d]) * (1 - c / 120) + 0.5 >> 0; } return g; }
Convert RGB to Hexadecimal Syntax: rgbToHex([255, 0, 255]) or rgbToHex("rgb(255,0,255)") function rgbToHex(a) { if(typeof a == "string") { a = a.match(/\d+/g); a = [ a.split(",")[0] - 0, a.split(",")[1] - 0, a.split(",")[2] - 0 ]; } return [ (a[0] < 16 ? "0" : "") + a[0].toString(16), (a[1] < 16 ? "0" : "") + a[1].toString(16), (a[2] < 16 ? "0" : "") + a[2].toString(16) ]; } Notes: If you'd like to play around with the hue order in the HSL conversions, replace the first two lines (those preceding the for loop) with this: var d=3,g=[[[255,0,0],1,1],[[255,255,0],0,-1], [[0,255,0],2,1],[[0,255,255],1,-1],[[0,0,255],0,1], [[255,0,255],2,-1]][Math.floor(a/40)]; g[0][g[1]]+=Math.floor(6.375*(a%40))*g[2];g=g[0];And move the [[R,G,B],#,#] elements around as you please. Edit: Forgot to change a function name.
Last Edit: Aug 17, 2010 20:43:20 GMT by Aaron
hslToHex and hslToRgb... notice how they have internal repetition? I'm wondering if it's worth using a loop or making a simple function inside to compress it to avoid repeating nearly identical lines?
If it were half a dozen lines, i'd agree. But at three, I figured why opt for aesthetics over performance? As you've mentioned it, though: Rewrote the hue selection bit and used a for loop for the sat/lum equations. function hslToRgb(a, b, c) { var d=Math.floor(a/40),e=d+1,f=6.375*(a%40), g=[(d>4||d<2)*1,(d&&d<4)*1,(d>2)*1]; g=[g[0]*255+((e>4||e<2)*1-g[0])*f, g[1]*255+((e<4)*1-g[1])*f, g[2]*255+((e>2&&e<6)*1-g[2])*f]; for(var h=0;h<3;h++) g[h]-=(g[h]-127)*(240-b)/240, g[h]=Math.round(g[h]-(c>120?255-g[h]:g[h])*((120-c)/120)); return g; }Edit: Spaced to remove stretching.
Last Edit: Aug 2, 2010 10:53:22 GMT by Aaron
The performance change is so insignificant that it could be ignored in most coding. I just figured I'd throw it out there either way though.
And for three lines, no more worth the effort, aye? =P
And for three lines, no more worth the effort, aye? =P In this code, it might not matter because this is kind of a "set" equation, but for other code, should that line change you then have 2 other places you have to change it. Or, if you have both functions, you then have 5 other places you have to change it. In this case though, yeah, not a big deal, otherwise, yeah.
Aaron: Had to edit your first post to prevent stretching in v1.
Alright, compressed and updated.
Chris: The whole of the forum stretches in Opera, so it's hard to tell. :x
Really? You never reported this? what skin?
v1: Ex (when i'm logged in).
I'll look into it later. I have an idea what it might be.
I'll look into it later. I have an idea what it might be. The quick reply stretches in Opera on version 2.1, by the way . I just so rarely go down that far on the page because I never use it... so I've never noticed until yesterday.
Yeah, the quick reply was my guess. Honestly, it's because rows/cols is not standardized between browsers. Why not? I have no fucking idea, but it pisses me off. It's the same reason for the issue on Linux and Safari. I'll try to fix it tonight.
Compressed again. Wonder why JS doesn't support floating points in binary operations?
a & a, a >> 0, etc. seem to be fast alternatives to Math.floor.
What were the originals again? For comparisons sake.