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Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
That's too busy for a logo. For a start, remove the four circles. And remove the 'ait' text in Pait.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
If I didn't know that was a "P", I would assume it was possibly a "?".
Maybe it's just how my mind works, but that's what it looks more like to me.

You need to try do something to make the "P" stand out more.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
xmsteel Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
If I didn't know that was a "P", I would assume it was possibly a "?".
Maybe it's just how my mind works, but that's what it looks more like to me.

You need to try do something to make the "P" stand out more.

But then again, its no longer what I created. It's just a simple P inside a triangle.
Last one was better. This one wouldn't scale very well, and you have to consider that logos need to be cross-media. It can't just work for web and not print.

The original one was too busy, but the previous one worked fine. It was simple and effective. I wouldn't worry too much about the P. I thought it was a P, and only after Stinky mentioned it being a ? did I even consider the notion. Also, even if it did, a logo is not literal. It doesn't necessarily have to be anything, so unless it looks outright bad or like something inappropriate, it's fine to leave it.


loverboiv3 Avatar

Official Member


February 2011
:: rate 5 ::

Simple and easily read great job!
