I came on over from SSD. I have to admit from the first look I didn't think this place was anything special. Now after joining every image is excellent and I am impressed. Good job.
It grows on you. Welcome man.
Sure dose. Welcome the forum! We're very freindly here. Hope you stick around.
Welcome to the forum.
Hey you!
Welcome to Studio Zero where everyone is a hero, that turns into a zero!!
XD don't mind me, it's my meds. Yikes. Anyways. I was kidding.
But yes, welcome to SZ!
That's the power of SZ, you need to grow used to it to appreciate the true goodness. Welcome to the Studio! Where you can get your own studio in our studio as well
That's the power of SZ, you need to grow used to it to appreciate the true goodness. Welcome to the Studio! Where you can get your own studio in our studio as well Goodness? You mean, pwness? Or Godlyness!