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Luke Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
How To Make Faded In & Out Images
By: Ignatius
Program Requirement: Microsoft Paint


This is a very simple tutorial. Easy to fallow, and most of all, easy to learn. So all you newbies out there who has no programs, but of course, good old MSP, listen up and pay close attention.

Phase One:

Open up MSP. Use whatever size of image you want. Secondary, pick a dark color amoung the paint box below. For example. I choose Green. Heres what I start out with-
Tip- Always zoom in while applying your content. It will make it much eayer to see what you are applying, and it will pervent from making mistakes.

Phase Two:

Take your green, and click the image to your left, which displays a simple line. Named, Line. Now pick how large you want your 'Line' to be. Now, scroll over to the very top of your image. And apply that color all the way across your image. In a straight, simple line, no curves are needed, that will completly mess with your final effect.


Tip- Use the smallest 'Line' you there is. It is best for the look we are going for here.

Back On track-

Now, all you need to do is, double click on the color of your choice, and click 'Define Custom Colors>>'. Once you have clicked that, you will see a small arrow, facing left, at the very end of the opened window. You will see the lighter and darker colors. Now, you have a choice, if you would like the fade to go, darker to light, you slide the arrow down, if you would like it to go lighter, force the arrow up. In this case, we are going to go, lightest to darkest. You will also see squares, of the lighter, and darker colors, eye-ball where the arrow is pointing at and bring it down exactly one notch. Doing so will give you the perfect fading in and out effect we are going for. Now, simply apply that color the same way we did above. If you keep up this rate until you get all they way to the buttom of your image, or all the way to the top. Either way, you would get a professional look, everytime.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Could we get a preview for the final image?
