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AI Avatar

Dedicated Member


May 2006
Well the Sony Press Confernce at this year's E3 was awesome. Sony finally announced that PS3's specs. It will have a cell processor, HD output, 256 mb graphics, 5.1 dolby, built in hard drive (20 gig or 60 gig), Wi-Fi, wireless controller with motion sensor, 2 operating systems which will provide an interface, and a lot more. I am toally amped up about it. It's gonna kill the competition. What do you guys think of it?

I believe the North American release date is November 17th.


Allan Avatar
It's All Good

Dedicated Member


March 2006
yeppers the 20 gig unit is 499 and the 60 gig unit 599.I will get the 60 gig lol
but it does look awesome and will blow the 360 out of the water.
trying to think of what to make


windwaker Avatar

Dedicated Member


October 2005
I think it's a bit too expensive. But I will get it when I get a job. I didn't like their conference too much, I thought it was kind of boring, but some of the games they showed looked really cool. I was also disappointed that there will be no rumble feature in their PS3 controller.

I think they might have a hard time selling it to teenagers and I can't believe that they took Nintendo's motion sensing idea. Other than that, games for it I am looking forward to are Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII.

Last Edit: Jun 18, 2006 20:07:29 GMT by windwaker


Virtuoso Avatar

Senior Member


May 2006
Im looking to see what the WII has to offer. No doubt I'll be getting the ps3, but it should still be interesting.


Demonboy Avatar
Dont Cry

Official Member


May 2006
I really want this system but its gona be so expencive. they are also realeaseing some awsome games for it i already hear, such as KH3.


AI Avatar

Dedicated Member


May 2006
I would rather get an $800 system than a $300 system with bad specs and games. The PS3 will have games like MGS4, Warhawk, Killzone 2, FF 13, Heavenly Sword, etc.

Last Edit: May 14, 2006 17:04:15 GMT by AI


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
I'll buy a PS3. And me being me, I'll get it in a couple years because that's when I'll be able to afford it.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
I want to get one, but I'll wait until I don't have to make a down payment for it.

lol c wut i did thar


nygdevils32 Avatar

New Member


June 2006
craziegrafix said:
yeppers the 20 gig unit is 499 and the 60 gig unit 599.I will get the 60 gig lol
but it does look awesome and will blow the 360 out of the water.

I agree, I'm to get 60 gig as well. Might as well go all out.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
At launch?


Singular Avatar
v4 Studios :: Coming Soon

Dedicated Member


September 2005
I am probably getting a PS3 for my room. I hope I can get 60gb, but 20gb is good aswell. :)
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windwaker Avatar

Dedicated Member


October 2005
Wow, I was at a friends playing some 360 games on an HDTV and they looked amazing. If 360 already looks awesome I can't wait to see how a PS3 looks in HD especially since it is several times more powerful. But it's all about the games, right? ;) A bit expensive, but graphically you won't really be able to improve much. In the generation after the PS3, 360, and Wii I am curious to see what is coming up. I think they are going to have a hard time catching up with competition though since they are launching last and most expensive.


Allan Avatar
It's All Good

Dedicated Member


March 2006
Yeah the PS3 will rock and i also heard that RE5 will be available on the release date as well.
Imagine the graphics for that .
trying to think of what to make


windwaker Avatar

Dedicated Member


October 2005
Yeah, RE 5 looks really fun. Hopefully it will be out on release, it will be a huge incentive to get the console at launch (well, at least it would be for RE fans). RE 5 and MGS 4 are some of the main reasons I want a PS3.


mxracer Avatar

Official Member


May 2006
I am mainly getting PS3 for MGS4. I might wait a few months after PS3 comes out so the price will go down.
