The "Square Enix" totally doesn't give it away. Final Fantasy 6?
I think it's Final Fantasy 9 (that's what the graphics remind me of).
The "Square Enix" totally doesn't give it away. Final Fantasy 6? It totally doesn't, 'cause it's not FF6. For one, the game is in 3-D, FF6 isn't. For two, I don't have two points because the first one is enough. I think it's Final Fantasy 9 (that's what the graphics remind me of). Not FF9, the graphics are more advanced than that (although I liked FF9 more than this game, even though I only played like 30 minutes of it...three cheers for quick judgment). Hint: it's not the Final Fantasy series, but, as per my accidentally-obvious screenshot, it's a Square-Enix game. It is another popular SE RPG, known for kinda sorta making the series known in America.
Last Edit: Nov 17, 2007 5:11:10 GMT by Ess Ohh
Hint 2: this series is known for its frequent random battles and old-school RPG style, and is popular in Japan ('though that doesn't really narrow it down). Developed by Level 5 and SE, and the same teams are also making the newest entry in the series which will be on the DS (this one was on the PS2).
That should be enough.
Wow. I totally did not recognize the MadCondor there. Dragon Warrior. What number? No clue. 6 maybe.
Woohoo, okay we're on the right track. Now let's focus on games that aren't 2-D, which DW6 is, at least from search results. Also, Dragon Warrior is the NA name, which was changed with the Japanese name for the series starting with this entry. =O
<_< >_> Not fair.
I'm afraid "<_< >_> Not fair." is incorrect. =P Hint 3: this game originally shipped with a Final Fantasy XII demo disc as a bonus. It's name isn't Dragon Warrior, but the title follows a "Dragon _____ #: subtitle" formula. It's on the PS2. If need be, hint 2 will probably pretty much name the actual game.
Rarararrargh hint 4 Dragon Quest blank: blankety blankety blank blankety blank
Last Edit: Dec 20, 2007 0:38:34 GMT by Ess Ohh
hint 5: the actual game
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
No points for anyone though. But now we finally move on to round 74, which I hope isn't as hard.
Dynasty Warriors...2, I think.
That is correct. I did 2 because after looking around I found out the first one was a fighter and not a hack-and-slash like the rest of the series.
Round 75 should be easy because it's pretty well known.
I wanna say Street Fighter.... 2. Looks SNES-ish.
Street Fighter 2 it is. Five points.
Next one is right around the corner.
Oh! This is that one game that I don't play! Crap.