Overall, I think this is a good game. Every character ever in a Mortal Kombat game is here with their own fighting style, alternate costume, and weapon. Plus, there is now a Kreate a Warrior feature which, despite being incredibly costly, is pretty good. Konquest Mode has been greatly improved.
With the good, comes the bad. What's bad? Other than the above mentioned features, nothing is new. Same gameplay, a lot of the same stages, and arcade mode hasn't changed a bit. Plus, I hate to say that there is now only two fighting styles per character: Hand-to-hand and weapons. There is no longer dual hand-to-hand styles.
One thing I sort of like is the Motor Kombat which is basically a Mortal Kombat racing game, much like Mariokart. However, there are only 8 different characters (as far as I can tell) and about 5 tracks. Plus, Puzzle Kombat and Chess Kombat (a personal favorite of mine) have both been removed.
So, what are your thoughts on the game?
Haven't played it yet. What's the create-a-fatality feature I heard about like?
Haven't played it yet. What's the create-a-fatality feature I heard about like? Well, I don't think I've ever been able to pull off a fatality, so I can't give you first hand experience. But basically, certain button combinations result in certain moves. There is a timer which you can execute a move in. The timer goes down faster and faster at each interval making it increasingly harder to add more moves. So the gist of it is, unique fatalities are out and instead, you just execute random moves like pulling off limbs, pulling out organs, and decapitation.
I have been able to many different types of fatalities.. and overall i don't like the new system for that... i prefer to have each fight to have their own fatality... and other than that i think its a great game.. you cann't beat 70+ characters to play as and create your own fighter... well worth the money...
Played it at a friend's house not too long back. Loved it.