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crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Exactly what the names says.
It's open source, but please keep my copyright in there :P.

Global Footers:
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* Remove on/off icons from sub-boards
created by CrAzY_J
Open Source*/

var gCell = document.body.getElementsByTagName('td');
var pattern = /^Sub-Boards$/;
if( this.location.href.match(/board=\w+(&\w+=\d)?$/) )
   for( var c = 0 ; c < gCell.length ; c ++ )
      if( gCell[c].className == 'titlebg' && gCell[c].colSpan == '2' && pattern.test( gCell[c].getElementsByTagName('b')[0] ) )
         gCell[c].colSpan = 1;
      if( gCell[c].width == '8%' && gCell[c].className == 'windowbg' )
         gCell[c].style.display = 'none';

I think it's all DOM =P

Last Edit: Jan 3, 2006 20:18:31 GMT by crazynarutard
