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crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Main footers:
<script type="text/javascript">
/*Remove Moderators none
do not redistribute this code without the permission of the creator (CrAzY_J)*/
var cell = document.body.getElementsByTagName( "td" );
if( this.location.href.match(/\.com(\/(index\.cgi((#\w+|\?(action=(logout|login2|home))?))?)?)?$/))
for( lp = 0 ; lp < cell.length ; lp ++ )
if( cell[lp].width == "66%" && cell[lp].innerHTML.match(/Moderators:\snone/))
cell[lp].innerHTML = cell[lp].innerHTML.replace(/<i>Moderators:\s\w{4}<\/i>/,'');

Board Footers

<script type="text/javascript">
/*Remove Moderators none
do not redistribute this code without the permission of the creator (CrAzY_J)*/
var font = document.body.getElementsByTagName("font");
if( this.location.href.match(/board=/) )
for( f = 0 ; f < font.length ; f ++ )
font[f].style.display = (font[f].className == "nav" && font[f].innerHTML.match(/\(Moderators:\snone\)/))? 'none':'block';

Works for ConForums and Sudden Launch

Last Edit: Jun 30, 2006 21:14:39 GMT by Chris
