Squashed BananaMy first ever skin! Live Preview: infinitecreations.proboards.com/index.cgiDownload Images: All hosted for you, excepting blank Logo, linked at bottom of post. Code:Global Headers:<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* menu buttons inside banner by california */
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<!-- =================================== HTML Left Side Tables for ProBoards - Smangii Style GLOBAL HEADERS =================================== //-->
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<!-- CUSTOM SIDE BOX #1 //--> <table align="center" width="151px" height="692px" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td class="bg" align="center" valign="top" background="http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo210/infinite_creations_v1/sidebox.png"> <br><font size="4">News:</font></td> </tr> </table> <!-- Close Side Tables //--> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td vAlign="top">
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<p style="color:e5d800" align="center">Squished Banana created by ΒΆ Corrupt of Studio Zero (http://forum.sz-ex.com/). You must leave this copyright notice intact.</p> Main Headers:None.Main Footers:None.Colours:Blank Logo: www.fhqhosting.com/ui/2banner.pngBackground Image: i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo210/infinite_creations_v1/bg.pngTitle Text Colour: 202000 Comments and criticism appreciated. Need help? Tell me below.
Last Edit: Dec 14, 2008 4:36:09 GMT by Quinine
WOW! this is good the color scheme i nice the backriund is lovely and the banner pwns.Well done Corrupt.one critism tohugh may be the position of the news banner i think it wouls look better on the top
The background doesn't repeat properly on large resolutions (like my 1440x900). I won't deny it because of that, but I do recommend changing that to repeat evenly.
I'll add this in a little while when I have time.
Get a life! GREAT SKIN! My god. How long did it take you?
The background doesn't repeat properly on large resolutions (like my 1440x900). I won't deny it because of that, but I do recommend changing that to repeat evenly. 1680x1050 for me..
Thank you for contributing to the Studio Zero Premades. Your submission has been added to our database.
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
Again, moved on accident. <_< Ben forgets I'm incharge of skins.
Yeah, I do >.<
Just take some time. Maybe I should write a sticky note. If I can find a place on my monitor...
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
1) Thanks for the comments! Took me about a day/two/three/week. 2) Does anybody know how I could stop the background repeating weirdly?
Use it as a usual image and assign a div tag. Using CSS just whack it in the bottom right with a z-index of -1. There are other ways... this may be easiest
I like the colors, and yeah that background problem. >.< My resolution is: 1440x900.
Uh, wedge, that made no sense at all.
Corrupt, you can either set the background to not repeat: <style type="text/css"> body {background-repeat: no-repeat;} </style>
Or make sure that each end of the lines on the bg line up against each other. (let me know if that didn't make sense)
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
It... didn't make sense. 8-O
Basically you have this: -----______ And you want this: -----___--- So in other words, you need to try and get the sides to match up. If you're using photoshop you can use the offset filter to help accomplish this.
Last Edit: Dec 16, 2008 5:47:29 GMT by Benjamin
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.
I thought it made sense... <div id="bgid"><img src="URL TO IMAGE"></div>
<style type="text/css"> #bgid{ position:fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: -1; } </style>
Simple, right?
Last Edit: Dec 16, 2008 16:25:54 GMT by JD
I was under the impression that he wanted it to be a crease-less background.
(also z-index:-1 sets it underneath the body tag, i think)
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.