This game is pointless. I can see it fits perfectly here. It's simple. I will say "Would you rather __________ or __________?" (ex: Would you rather attack Chris or lick Fredy? ). Then the next person comes along and says an answer, and then their own "Would you rather...". However, a rule is that it has to be kind of " Truth" "Dare" like. Not like would rather eat a bagel or eat bread. Now if you made into a green bagel or stale bread, it would be "Dare" like. Some can actually be funny. Okay, let's go: Would you rather post a too big image at Proboards Support, or post an HTML code here at Studio Zero?
Last Edit: Mar 10, 2009 10:43:48 GMT by Quacker Jack
Can we have a more resonable question please, Jack
Post a giganticly huge image at PBS and get punished Okay... ummm, here goes a smart question Would you rather fight a bull or would you rather fight me and be choped into pecies