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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm asking because I am planning to buy some for FR, to share with the SZ members.
So, would you rather me buy and post tuts, or PSDs?
Just answer it from a personal view, don't worry about what is best overall. But then I guess, doing that anyway, makes it from your own personal view.
But to keep it simple, answer it as in "What would YOU like to see/use?".
(NOTE: They'd be image tutorials and not videos)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Justin Avatar
I moved way back in March.

What i did was fold them and shove then in a few boxes :P

Yeah, it's the only sensible way I can think of to do it. :-/


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
2 questions actually:

Which do you prefer, tutorials or PSDs?
What type of tutorial/psd do you prefer? (tag, large piece, web design etc)


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Buy hi-def textures, do you also mean HDRI's?
If so, you usually have to pay for them, but there are some good freebies on the web, just google "HDRI Textures" and it should bring up all kinds.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I'm wondering because, how do you pack your clothes?
I was planning on simply, on the last sort of day, fold them all up etc then stick them neatly into a box (or as many boxes as needed), and then just take them to the place.

I just don't wanna stick them in bags cos I hate my clothes all getting crumpled.
I dunno if this is the best method. How would you do it?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Tobias Avatar
I was staying up late, like normal, and I went upstairs for a snack. I saw the light in my dad's computer room was on, so I decided to say hey. Walked in, said "Hey", turned the corner, and looked at his screen.
He was looking at porn. >.<
I made a quick exit after that.

Reminds me of a run in with a frat brother, but that was him making out and feeling up a chick in the kitchen. To my knowledge, neither of them know I was there. :P

That doesn't compare to your incident though. >.<

And because they didn't realize you were there, you, like a dirty perv, stood and watched... ;D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Hotshot Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
'You' seems to fit fine too :o
Just saying "you want to", making it more personal.
But I guess it most likely is an error.

Technically yes, but "You wants" isn't proper English. So either way. :P

Chris: no, no I don't. I'm already a trillionare. :)

Yeah I know. But proper English doesn't really come into play on the internet :P
And if you're a trillionaire, Hi, I'm Brett and I am your new best friend =D


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Tobias Avatar
Ask her what her favorite Mario Kart is.

Makes the most sense..


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
'You' seems to fit fine too :o
Just saying "you want to", making it more personal.
But I guess it most likely is an error.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
{blanka} Avatar
Wait can you actually play with the characters in the first game? I've only played the second but not the first so I wouldn't know anyways. And obviously, the 360 version will have to be purchase (800 MS points I'm guessing) because MS has a weird policies on DLC.

It's called being "money whores".
Can't blame them for taking advantage of making money from those willing to spend it though.
People only have themselves to blame :P


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Kay Avatar
Okay. Let me just say one thing. If your grew up with an acronym that meant something racist and offensive, when you see it on someone's license plate, you're bound to jump to conclusions. So don't even try to convince me for one moment that you wouldn't. Granted, more investigation into the meaning of what it could have been from the owner's point of view (then again, they could have just lied), should have been done. But whatever.

And also, it was better that his mom explain it to him than to have him go to his friends asking what it meant.

Good point.
I wont deny I wouldn't have, but you just don't know.
And because of that, we can laugh at this person for assuming instead of knowing.

Personally, I didn't have a clue what it could be, until Andrew said to sound it out slowly.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Lucifer Avatar

No, I don't think that'd really stop anything...

Especially if people keep calling it "karma" instead of "reputation" out of habit. :P (Like me.)

Those using the skin I am currently using, can call it Karma, since it is for us. :o


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Karma, Rep, either way doesn't bother me, everyone knows what it is.
But for the sake of making you have to screw around, I suggest you change it to rep.....



Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I've only tried the demo for this game and have never played the first.
Reason being I was never a fan of fps games, but now I am, and I rather liked the demo.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
On this skin that has the Chinese (or whatever) writing on the head images, it says Karma instead of Reputation :P
No reason really for me to post that info, but I am bored, cold and wanted to make a post to be cool ::)