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Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
4 years ago today, the United states under went a devistating tradgety(spl). Though it may still be 4 years later, a lot are still suffering, those with loved ones deployed in the Military, or those going into the Military. Or those of us that have had a loved one that was a victim of 9/11. We are all thinking of, and remembering those who took part as victims or heroes. Either way you are in our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers.

Please, if you live in the USA, take a moment to thank the fallen heroes of our country. Even if you aren't a citizen of the US, your thoughts, and prayers could help also. :)


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Sorry to double post, but a link that Joe just provided me with, it's a great place to read up on all that happened that horrible morning.


Feel free to use this, I know it's crappy, but oh well.

Use this as well:

Last Edit: Sept 11, 2005 11:23:21 GMT by Team Studio


Jamie85 Avatar

Studio Member


August 2005
4 years. Wow. It really doesn't seem that long ago, but saying 4 years...makes it sound like an eternity. I still can't believe what happened on that day.

Last Edit: Sept 11, 2005 11:12:57 GMT by Jamie85

Team Studio

Team Studio Avatar



June 2005
Yes, and over here in New Zealand (GMT +12) it's almost September 12th..though not many people have remembered about that tragic event. Our news didn't even broadcast nor mention anything about it, which is a shame.

Let us silence for 2 minutes for those who have died... :-X


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
IF you guys would like to use the two sigs Kay provided without taking up much sig room, use these.



Anyway, yes, it is a tradegy, and we are still at war with Afganistan and Iraq due to it and supposed WMD's. We shall never forget the tragedy that it was, but it shall slowly fade into the past, and into the history books the world knows so well. I did my part by donating money to relief funds for 9-11 when it happened, and I shall keep the memory of those who died that day, deep in my heart, as for they shall not, and will not ever be forgotten. Til the day I die.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
It's a real shame on what happened...a real tragedy. But even if most of us say we feel this way, none of us really understand unless you had someone you knew the best we can do is just sympathize.

It's also a shame on how Bush just gave up hunting Osama, but I won't get into that as much. But to sum everything up, yes, it was horrible and we shouldn't forget that.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
cddude229 said:
IF you guys would like to use the two sigs Kay provided without taking up much sig room, use these.



Anyway, yes, it is a tradegy, and we are still at war with Afganistan and Iraq due to it and supposed WMD's. We shall never forget the tragedy that it was, but it shall slowly fade into the past, and into the history books the world knows so well. I did my part by donating money to relief funds for 9-11 when it happened, and I shall keep the memory of those who died that day, deep in my heart, as for they shall not, and will not ever be forgotten. Til the day I die.

Hey I can't take credit for both, the second one was by Joe. :P

And well said. I completely agree with what you said. i will never forget the fallen heroes, and victims of that day.


Rouno Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
It was a devastating and very shocking thing to hear about. I remember vividly that I was in math class when my teacher received a phone call that informed him of the terrible event. Throughout the day, news of the tragedy was all over TV.

9-11 is one thing that I'll probably never forget. My sympathies with the victims.

Veronica Mars

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She's a Marshmallow

New Member


September 2005
jamie85 said:
4 years. Wow. It really doesn't seem that long ago, but saying 4 years...makes it sound like an eternity. I still can't believe what happened on that day.

I know, it does.

On that day at first I didnt understand. I was in 3rd grade. I had acting lessons and I was looking forward to it and when my mom was telling me I couldn't go I was confused. She told me what had happened, and I had already knew it, but I didnt realize how bad it was till we really talked about it.
