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Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Click to read story.

I have this odd habit of listening to the radio while I'm taking a shower. Yesterday morning this was the story they were talking about, and to be honest, I seriously said, "What the fuck?"

Come on. Stabbing a family member over their decision for supporting a different candidate? Though I will say that one of the dj's comments were pretty funny.
"Maybe Hilary should start preaching, 'You can't vote for me if you stab someone!' then maybe she'll gain some actual supporters."

That was my amusement to start off the day. Although, I'm still baffled how you could take something so...idiotic and turn it to something that's beyond that point.


Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
I ripped someone's heart out once because we were having a heated debate over how to put in toilet paper: over or under. We're still good friends, though.

But that story's just messed up.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I find the last tidbit about him being a registered Republican funny.

But yeah... extreme is an understatement. I've heard of arguments over this stuff... they happen all the time. But attempting to strangle your brother-in-law only to be stabbed by him? Yeah... have fun in jail. Though, he may be able to plead self-defense... but not with the knife part.
