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June 2005
In New Zealand. We have 2 major parties: National and Labour. Personally, I think that National party should be the next governing party.

Just to name a few things that Labour did that really peeved off the people of New Zealand:

  • They introduced the NCEA system...which is crap and eliminates percentile marking.
  • They introduced the civil union bill, which allows gay people the same status as normal married couples..<_<
  • They increased our tax from the usual 25% to 39% >.<
  • They tax the rich and give the money to the unemployed and poor who recieve those benefits. But the problem is, that a majority of those rich people have children of their own and more than half of the unemployed leeches the Social welfare and don't work at all. They relie on the frickin money!
  • They signed the kyoto protocol, but with the increase in the oil prices, it's going to turn the economy into turmoil! Along with a tax increase on the oils!

This is just a short list of what Labour did wrong from that past 2 terms (each term is 3 years)
To check out both party's policies, go to:



Go the Nats!


ChrisS Avatar
RIP Personal Text. . . . .

Dedicated Member


August 2005
That Labour sounds abit like our goverment :P
Your not alone :P
I Stand Here With My Views


hpmad Avatar


September 2005
i hate bush. that's all i can say, even though there's nothing about bush here...

i hate bush.

Last Edit: Sept 16, 2005 23:30:32 GMT by hpmad


ChrisS Avatar
RIP Personal Text. . . . .

Dedicated Member


August 2005
why do you hate him ?
I Stand Here With My Views


hpmad Avatar


September 2005
We're getting off topic, but I don't like him because I think what he's doing is wrong. The war in Iraq is just a mistake. There is no point in killing people and taking over another country and change everything there. It's not right. If the terrorists hate us so much, it's because their religion teaches them to think that all other cultures and religions are bad and they are traitors to their god or something. They have their own right (in the US) to have their own religion. There could have been many ways to end this peacefully, but Bush chooses to go to war, to kill people. It's just... not right.

back on topic now....


Chris Avatar

Official Member


August 2005
I need more practice making sigs... (Kicks Xylish and asks for help) -.-


Kari Avatar

Official Member


September 2005
I'm not overly fond of National.

If New Zealand First gets into government I think we may as well hang ourselves. Winston Peters is a total ass. Last time he went into coalition, he had the country at ransom for a month trying to decide where he was going to go to.


As for what they've done, some of it wasn't too bad.

NCEA, while it has bugs and a lot of flaws, I think I prefer it. School Cert and Bursary was determined largely on the exams at the end of the year and some people don't hold too well or perform to their best capabilities in exams. For some, they just can't do them.

Civil union- I actually like this bill. It promotes equality for everyone. Think about it. If you were gay, wouldn't you like to be treated the same way as everyone else and not be discriminated against just because you have a different sexual preference as compared to the heterosexual?

Tax, I would like to see go down. Though, there are ways to work about it. I only get taxed 16% because I have an IRD number and earn a lower wage as I'm a part-timer. The wages were going up for a couple of years, but when you think back, they were really low and prices were not too bad. Then suddenly prices have skyrocketed (milk being one example) and wages have slowly increased, then come to a halt. Minimum wage for a minor is $7.60 currently. The minimum for a youth (18+) is $9.50.

Unemployment is definitely a problem in New Zealand. But, all you have to do is go into the centre city at night and to the homeless shelter and you'll see that not everyone is able to get a job. Sure, we promote that there are jobs for all, but I think that's a load of BS to be honest.

Kyoto Protocol. Hmm.
Good idea in theory, though whether it'll work is yet to be established.
