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Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
So hows the Temperature where you are at this summer? You enjoying it? Think it should be better or less?


I live in upstate new york and this summer i has to say has been odd. Have a couple of hot days then will have a week of crappy weather where it thinks it wants to rains or doesn't then goes back to good/hot weather.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
For the past two weeks, we've had high 90's to triple digits. and I hate it. We basically live in the desert. However, we're moving near Seattle on Saturday. Meaning... RAIN! I cannot wait. When it was 96 here, it was 66 there. Now 66 I can live with.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
It's been a relatively cool summer here in metro Detroit. There were a few weeks where I was able to wear a hoody. It didn't even get warm until half way through June.

Lately it's been 75-85 as a high. I can't wait until the fall comes. I can't stand anything over 60. Inside, sure. Outside, 60 and below is my thing.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
110 like it is every summer

at least it's not humid

It's cold and crap in the North UK, no more than 20 C. Rain, Wind...
What I wouldn't give to be on Daytona Beech right now...
