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Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
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Lucifer Avatar

Which is exactly why I DON'T think games cause violence. It's a substitute to actual violence.
Yes, but for children it's a quick way to learn extreme forms of violence. Without seeing those forms of violence, children would have no notion of their existence.

I wholeheartedly disagree. Violence is innate in humans. It's natural. Violence in society hasn't changed since the advent of video games.

newfieldgrafix Avatar
Sept 21, 2009 19:09:37 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
@ Luci:
I understand where you're coming from. But on a more medical level, if someone 'needs' that substitute, they should probably be being substituted in a controlled environment. I do believe that certain games can have adverse effects on some, more impressionable people; while I also believe that the press and various 'groups' do their best to blame games.

No, I agree. I wasn't suggesting that we allow lunatics to play games because it's better than real violence. I was simply suggesting that video games are a perfectly safe and sane way of venting off steam. Who doesn't want to hop on Halo and shoot the hell out of people after a bad day? The same goes for listening to aggressive music (my personal choice). It's just a way to feel good and cope with emotion so that we don't allow our emotions to take over and affect our actions. Everyone does it in one way or another. Some people cry, others rant to friends, some work out, some beat up pillows, some play games, some listen to music. To each his own. It's these things that keep us sane and under control.

Last Edit: Sept 21, 2009 21:06:45 GMT by Lucifer

Ah, it's just when you said "substitute", I thought you meant as in a replacement. It does make for a good release. I have enjoyed many times 'venting' in Battlefield, I like to land a chopper on some bad guy. It makes for good entertainment, and humiliates the opponent in the process...

..I have been the victim of this form of therapy too, it usually ends in a face off.

I must say that; my opinion is there are some whom games affect on a negative level and can ultimately end in a bad way, but I think that it's just a minority. The games aren't at fault. The professionals are.

And my personal choice of venting is (as you all know) ranting on some forum...
..That and turning some unsuspecting 'n00b' into a helipad...

Last Edit: Sept 21, 2009 21:14:12 GMT by newfieldgrafix


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
newfieldgrafix Avatar
Sept 21, 2009 21:13:24 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
I must say that; my opinion is there are some whom games affect on a negative level and can ultimately end in a bad way, but I think that it's just a minority. The games aren't at fault. The professionals are.

I would argue that those types of scenarios are a result of the individual, not the game. Anyone willing to replicate video game violence or be spurred to violence because of a video game is already an unstable individual, and the game being the trigger was more or less irrelevant. I've played many a violent video game, as have my friends. None of us are violent individuals. Someone who is so weak willed and quick to violence so as to hurt someone because they played DOOM or Halo or something to that effect should be institutionalized. They are unsafe, regardless of what games they may or may not be playing.

You're totally right, but as you say, "the game being the trigger". It is irrelevant, but the media and those 'ban everything we don't agree with' groups will use that. It's not the game (as you have already pointed out), it's the individual. I totally agree.


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006

Ok, it looks like Valve is determined to make the game available in Australia. According to that article, they have managed to convince the board to take another look at the game. Even if that fails, they have successfully gotten a censored version approved that will be sold if the appeal should fail. Whatever the case, it's cutting it really close. The decision will not be made until Oct. 22 and the game releases on Nov. 17. Needless to say, this is just giving everybody a big friggin' headache.

My view: No matter what the verdict, it's really sad. Read the Wikipedia article on Left 4 Dead 2. It's just a game and there's been so much controversy over so many aspects of it simply for being "too violent". Even the damn cover art had to be altered just to pass the ESRB. :-/
