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Eric Avatar


November 2005
So more and more I've been having to deal with the debate of quality versus completion. I'm both an idealist and perfectionist, so naturally I tend towards quality over completion.

However, more and more I've been asked to forgo the proper code that's easily maintainable for something that works. It might not work smooth, it might not work well, but it works.

Mentally I'm bashing my head against a wall while doing this, but I do have to admit that it is far quicker to just write something when you imagine that neither you nor anyone else will have to touch it ever again. Of course this is like coding with a blindfold, but the amount of productivity is pretty good.

So, let's get some responses. Quality or completion?


Tobias Avatar

Dedicated Member


November 2006
Ideally? Quality.
However I always have to compromise with myself and go with completion.
#intj (Mastermind)^


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
For my personal projects, I always try to do quality. Which is my downfall probably. :P

For non-personal projects, I tend to lean towards completion. It just tends to make more sense. Overall though, I prefer quality as well.
