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Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006

Yup, the latest "within 2009" deadline that had been set has now been broken. At the absolute least, that's another nineteen days that we all have to wait for the game, and it's highly unlikely that it'll be that short. I'm guessing three months minimum.

Of course, one can't really be mad about this. These are all freelance developers working toward a free project. They stand little to no chance of getting any money from this, so it's really not too surprising that it's been in development for... what, six years? Valve took even longer than that to finally release TF2, and the end result is one of the best games ever made. Maybe this one will be the same?


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I haven't really been following the development of it... is it single player? Multi-player? Obviously I see the HL series tie in from just the name. :P


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
It's a source-based remake of the entire original Half-Life game by third-party developers. It's been in development forever (originally titled "Black Mesa: Source", eventually shortened to just "Black Mesa"). Their basis is that Half-Life: Source was an insufficient port of the source engine to the original Half-Life. They've been recreating the entire game with native source graphics. It's supposed to have single & multi player modes, as well.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Scorpian Avatar
It's a source-based remake of the entire original Half-Life game by third-party developers. It's been in development forever (originally titled "Black Mesa: Source", eventually shortened to just "Black Mesa"). Their basis is that Half-Life: Source was an insufficient port of the source engine to the original Half-Life. They've been recreating the entire game with native source graphics. It's supposed to have single & multi player modes, as well.

And... it's free?

If so, I have one thing to say: sex.
