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Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
Do you take advantage of things in life? Things that we can have but others can't.

Examples to go by are Here in the U.S we can get some many things but in other coutries other people can't b/c money, or how poor it is.

Do you ever notice and then try to make up for? Like donate money, help out others without getting anything return.

Last Edit: Jan 16, 2010 21:47:45 GMT by Arucard


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I took advantage of your mom last night while she was drunk.

I guess I took advantage of things like the education system if that's how you want to put it. :P I'm not really sure there's anything else I've done specifically that could be called "taking advantage" of stuff.

I try to make up for it when I can (my summer employment was at a non-profit that helps over 20k people), but I can't really donate money unfortunately because I need to pay for college... I can do more to help with a college education than I can with sending $20.
