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Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
Have you ever experienced something that you never thought would happen? I survived a fire in a high-rise hotel on the 46th floor.

Any experiences you want to share?


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Okay, first of all, no.

Second of all, you don't say something like, "I survived a fire in a high-rise hotel on the 46th floor," and then SKIP ALL THE DETAILS.


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007

Well, I was in Brisbane with my friend on holiday, and we were on the 46th floor and the fire was way below us, and I had this book called 'The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook' in my suitcase and I remembered it had something about surviving hotel fires in it. I got it out and followed the instructions.

- Test if the doorknob is hot or cold (it was cold)
- If it's hot, skip to step...
- If it's cold, wet some towels. Wrap them around you, leave the room and stay close to the floor.
- Make your way to a fire escape (DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR)

there was something else about checking the fire escape but we disregarded it. Then we found a fire extinguisher in the fire escape, got it working and basically ran down the stairs with it at the ready... simple. No-one was hurt in the end.


Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
Quinine Avatar

Well, I was in Brisbane with my friend on holiday, and we were on the 46th floor and the fire was way below us, and I had this book called 'The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook' in my suitcase and I remembered it had something about surviving hotel fires in it. I got it out and followed the instructions.

- Test if the doorknob is hot or cold (it was cold)
- If it's hot, skip to step...
- If it's cold, wet some towels. Wrap them around you, leave the room and stay close to the floor.
- Make your way to a fire escape (DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR)

there was something else about checking the fire escape but we disregarded it. Then we found a fire extinguisher in the fire escape, got it working and basically ran down the stairs with it at the ready... simple. No-one was hurt in the end.

Nice, butyeah, once again my theory that most survival stuff is really nothing but common sense is proved. I don't really have any, at least, none that weren't my own curst stupid fault. (And, gah, durn it, I know I shouldn't have reread Beka Cooper, Bloodhound.)


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
I dunno. Obviously some things are just plain common sense, but there's stuff on there about how to shake a tail and how to escape from a riot and how to wriggle out of bonds...


Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
Quinine Avatar
I dunno. Obviously some things are just plain common sense, but there's stuff on there about how to shake a tail and how to escape from a riot and how to wriggle out of bonds...

Yeah, but most of those situations are situations you'd probably never get into, and if you did, then it could be darn right possible that you weren't thinking clearly and a stupid mistake that got you in that situation in the first place.
