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Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006

Basically, a video was posted on YouTube of some kid getting the crap beat out of him. In Italy, this is apparently considered a serious privacy invasion. The four students responsible for it were, of course, dealt with in an appropriate manner already. However, the government didn't stop there. They threw some blame onto Google... and won.

"The case is the first time a web company has been held criminally liable for user posted content". So, that being said, is this right? Should Google/YouTube be held fully liable for content they can't control? YouTube already cracks down pretty heavily on terms-violating content. I've seen violated videos be removed within minutes of being uploaded. Is that not enough?


Simie Avatar



May 2006
Scorpian Avatar
"The case is the first time a web company has been held criminally liable for user posted content".

This is not gonna be good for torrent sites in future cases.

I don't think google should have had to take the blame for this, they do their best to get rid of any content which people want removed for a good reason. Couldn't they just have asked for them to take it down?


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Don't they have a clause in their Terms of Service that says something like "We can not be held responsible for user submitted content" and then something like they'll clean it up if contacted? >.<

Chris Avatar
Don't they have a clause in their Terms of Service that says something like "We can not be held responsible for user submitted content" and then something like they'll clean it up if contacted? >.<

Depends if that clause is valid under Italian law.

Also if YouTube gets shit, how come 4Chan is still online?


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
newfieldgrafix Avatar
Feb 25, 2010 12:28:35 GMT @newfieldgrafix said:
Chris Avatar
Don't they have a clause in their Terms of Service that says something like "We can not be held responsible for user submitted content" and then something like they'll clean it up if contacted? >.<

Depends if that clause is valid under Italian law.

Also if YouTube gets shit, how come 4Chan is still online?

I think 4chan is fairly unknown to government. I mean, I can't imagine it'd still be online if it was known.

As for the outcome of the case, that's bullshit.
