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[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
Current site (live) -
Test site (not linked with live) -

Concept mock-ups:
Concept 9
Concept 10
Concept 11
Concept 12 [Newest]
(Yes, there is one for each number)

Alright, so this has been my side-project for about a month now. Basically, I'm taking the same global layout from that live site and converting the content to a two-column layout. In the process, I'm also redesigning all the graphics on the site.

Anyway, I'd like to know if I'm on the right track. What am I doing wrong? How can I make it better? Feel free to reference any of the previous mock-ups to note bad changes I made. I'd like to get this design looking as good as I can before I even start to implement it.

Things to note ~

- The test site will never use the latest graphics. I just linked it to show how it'll function in the end. That aspect probably won't change anywhere near as often as the graphics will.

- That "Newest Uploads" thing appeared in concept 10 and vanished in 11. I'm hiding it until I perfect how the news module above it fits in.

- Every concept before 10 uses the exact same background. Every one after that (through 12, at least) has at least a slight difference. In 10, I changed the pattern. In 11, I blended it into the background better and darkened the gradient behind it. In 12, I re-ordered some of the layers and completely redid the shadowing. Which of the four is best?

- After I saved 10, I realized that the modules didn't fit in right. I removed all glossiness in 'em for 11. I figured a solid gradient would fit in better. I didn't really alter any of the stuff within 'em, though. I just want to know if I'm on the right track.

- There is no difference in the modules between 11 & 12. The main differences between those two are the effects on the background and the info bar at the top (the one that contains that refresh icon and the search box).

Last Edit: Mar 17, 2010 11:39:53 GMT by Scorpian
