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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Seriously, why are dumb people so confident?
I'm not smart but I wouldn't say I'm dumb either.
I'm not confident unless it's something I know of/about, and I feel comfortable with people I am with.
Yet dumb people just always seem to be confident.

I know that some smart and some "medium smart" people are confident too.. but wtf


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Lots of smart(er) people tend to be more humble is all.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Because a smart person can actually fully imagine several horrible scenes when you ask "what's the worst that could happen?" A dumb person thinks about the question for a few seconds, and doesn't really settle on a result.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
xmsteel Avatar
Is this thread about me?

Well if you were smart, you'd know if it were or not, right?


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Eric Avatar
Because a smart person can actually fully imagine several horrible scenes when you ask "what's the worst that could happen?" A dumb person thinks about the question for a few seconds, and doesn't really settle on a result.

That's what i did think, especially since that's what it's like for me.
I ALWAYS think/worry "what if I say..." or "what if I do..." or "what if they ask.." or "what if this happens...".

I'm basically like that about EVERYTHING.
I'm one though that's not confident at first but then get confident when I get used to the people and surroundings etc.

xmsteel Avatar
Is this thread about me?

lol. I actually wouldn't be able to say yes or no since I don't know you too well :P
It's actually about my brother and just a lot of his mates, and people I know of.. Know of due to having to go to this group that helps you into work (helps with all kinds of things, you name it, they do it).

Just the fact that all the people that go there (ok not ALL, but the majority) are just really dumb/stupid yet are very confident etc. It really annoys and frustrates me lol.
