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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I had a conversation with someone about 'being yourself' around people.
Personally, if someone doesn't like the real me, they can simply bugger off.
Of course though, when you first meet someone (possibly the first few times) you wont be the FULL you (unless that involves just being really quiet?).
I think we all more or less tread on egg shells, but this is to make a good first (or second) impression.

This is nothing like being something that you're not, to suit someone else (or others).
Basically, he was saying that he'd rather have 1,000 "friends" for his "fake version" than 10 close friends who like and love him for him.
Don't get me wrong, I can understand that, yet at the same time not.
Maybe because I have been brought up to be myself.

I'm wondering, do you take on a whole different personality when with your "friends" to keep them happy? Or are you like me, and you're simply the full you?


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
I'm me, 100% of the time. It's why I have a knack for making really good friends really quickly, or getting people to hate me with a passion. Quite frankly, I don't care. My friends will always be my friends and I don't want anything to do with anyone else. Hate me for all I care. I don't want your approval or your company.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I can't see myself acting differently when I meet new people, unless I'm a little more shy. Usually after 5 minutes talking to someone though, I open up and not really shy at all. :P I just have to get to know them a little first too.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
I'd say I'm half and half. I've learn to become myself around certain people and if they like who I am, our friendship grows, but with others I guess you could say I'm still fake with them, as in I act a certain way to please them or make them like me more than they would if I were to be my normal self.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
xmsteel Avatar
Lucifer Avatar
I'm me, 100% of the time. It's why I have a knack for making really good friends really quickly, or getting people to hate me with a passion. Quite frankly, I don't care.

Sounds exactly like what ZellDenver has on his blogtv bio.

What does that have to do with anything?


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
xmsteel Avatar

I'd probably scared of all of you if I saw any of you IRL.

+1 8-)

"uh huh you know what it is." lol

Last Edit: Feb 28, 2011 2:38:30 GMT by Hotshot


Eric Avatar


November 2005
I have a very, er, playful personality. So I tend to get along with just about everyone by making fun of them. Interesting how it works.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Eric Avatar
I have a very, er, playful personality. So I tend to get along with just about everyone by making fun of them. Interesting how it works.

Those are always the most entertaining people. :P Because you can make fun of them too and it's all good.


abZebras Avatar



June 2008
I've been thinking lately about college, and how I think i want to be thought of. Up until sophomore year I was fairly awkwardly introverted, but I've realized that it's for the most part boring, and I've "come out of my shell" a little, just trying to be a little bit of a more interesting person. I don't wanna say I'm a new me, because that's cheesy and an unnecessary overstatement, but I think it'll be nice to more or less start over with some new friendships.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
College can change people. :P That's what new experiences do. It successfully changed me from an introvert to an extrovert.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Chris Avatar
College can change people. :P That's what new experiences do. It successfully changed me from an introvert to an extrovert.

Agreed. It successfully changed me from an introvert to an uber-introvert.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
abZebras Avatar
I've been thinking lately about college, and how I think i want to be thought of. Up until sophomore year I was fairly awkwardly introverted, but I've realized that it's for the most part boring, and I've "come out of my shell" a little, just trying to be a little bit of a more interesting person. I don't wanna say I'm a new me, because that's cheesy and an unnecessary overstatement, but I think it'll be nice to more or less start over with some new friendships.

But you're still being you, right? You're not changing your personality etc. just to suit those friends.


abZebras Avatar



June 2008
Stinky666 Avatar
abZebras Avatar
I've been thinking lately about college, and how I think i want to be thought of. Up until sophomore year I was fairly awkwardly introverted, but I've realized that it's for the most part boring, and I've "come out of my shell" a little, just trying to be a little bit of a more interesting person. I don't wanna say I'm a new me, because that's cheesy and an unnecessary overstatement, but I think it'll be nice to more or less start over with some new friendships.

But you're still being you, right? You're not changing your personality etc. just to suit those friends.

Right. Because again, when you aren't you, it's no fun.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
In the immortal words of Chris Cornell:

"But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do"

As for the question at hand... I'm myself all the time. Quiet, reserved, and an asshole when I do open my mouth (which isn't often). I simply don't give a shit if other people think I am good, bad, quiet, an ass, funny, stupid, whatever. Like at work right now. There is a HUGE political game of a bullshit going on with people jockeying for position in a management makeover. A lot of ass kissing and backstabbing. I just don't understand it. It's a job, nothing more. Work your ass off, go the extra mile, and your work will speak for you.

The hilarious thing is that the people who are playing the political game won't win. The people who are taking over have already been chosen (yay for my dad being on the inside. lol) and they all earned the job through hard work and dedication to what they do.


Hotshot Avatar

Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
Josh, do you still work at that one company? My cousin was let go from there a few weeks back when his college internship ended. :(
