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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Alright I haven't put this in Entertainment because it isn't discussing a specific band/artist or song.

Basically, I am doing a Montage and had the idea of using the song "99 Problems" and then having it show 99 Kills by me (Halo btw).
If I was to get a triple kill in one clip, that'd count for 3 kills towards the 99 kills.

I just listened to the song and realised it doesn't sound too great lol.
The concept/idea imo is good but I just need something else, another song that hopefully is like this.

Nothing screamo or too hardcore because I want people to watch the video.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Scrap this. I did it with that song anyway haha.
If you want though, post some ideas still, for when I next do one. I like this kind of concept.
