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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Yesterday at work (I'm still a volunteer, for now - hopefully next month I wont be :D) another volunteer said to me "did I just see you buying drinks?". I replied with a simple "yeah, I do everyday".
He went on to say that there is no point because the perk of a job such as this, that sells drinks, is you get them free. Meaning, you steal one.

Now, he is definitely someone that looks like he would steal, but he also is one of these that bullshit's quite a lot, or seems to at least. So all I did was brush it off with a little laugh.

Today though, I went into the warehouse with a drink that I just bought and he then took one from out of the box, opened and drank it.

I was actually amazed that he had done it and I didn't know wtf to do, so yet again, I brushed it off. This time not with a laugh or anything, I just carried on drinking and sort of pretending like I hadn't seen it, even though he and I both knew I had.

I'm not a grass, but I don't wanna be in any part of this. Luckily, he can't say I steal because the checkout people always joke about me buying my drinks, for example one always says "That time of the day again eh?".

Now what makes this somewhat worse is the fact that he is going to be extended like I was, because they want to keep me and him on when people leave for University next month. So, do I grass him in and risk being called a grass and such and possibly risk my chances of getting a job there?
I say risk my chances because there are little things each person does to cut corners slightly or if they cbf to do something etc. So they may think I would grass them in for stuff like that, which I wouldn't.

I think he will make a habit of this now that he has done it once and I have done nothing about it and simply accepted him doing it.

What would you do?


KuraiOorora Avatar

New Member


May 2011
Depends on the situation you are currently in.

If you are a volunteer, do they make it required for you to bring your own food and drinks? It would be understandable if you worked for many hours per day as a volunteer and simply needed a drink due to thirst.

As for the issue of the other volunteer, I would have to say that you should not rat him out. It would only make things worse for you. They'll realize what he is doing eventually, and if they ask if you knew this was going on, just tell them you had no part involved in it.

^Dan-Ball Games Community^


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
We, as in everyone who works there (volunteer or employed) have to buy our own drinks that are coke, for example.
We, of course, get cups of coffee, tea or water free.
The fact that he seems to think it's a perk, is stupid. It's not a perk at all. It is theft unfortunately.

Another thing to take into consideration is that, if I do tell someone, and I am pretty sure I am the only one he has told/done this in front of, he will then obviously know I have told.


jua Avatar

New Member


June 2010
I wouldn't tell... It would only have a negative effect with your fellow employees in the future. They probably won't trust you with anything and your work experience will be more dull. I doubt the manager will see it as a big deal anyway, he would just have to do something about it because it's probably protocol.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
jua Avatar
I wouldn't tell... It would only have a negative effect with your fellow employees in the future. They probably won't trust you with anything and your work experience will be more dull. I doubt the manager will see it as a big deal anyway, he would just have to do something about it because it's probably protocol.

This pretty much sums it up.

Plus, in my experience, most places I've worked at that have food/drinks have allowed us to take whatever we want for free. I'm not sure if this place is the same, but it's not unreasonable to think that they might actually allow you to have them for free as he said. I wouldn't worry about it. Keep buying them if you feel uncomfortable just taking them, but I wouldn't do anything about the other guy.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
I would. *shrugs* But those who know me know that I am huuuuge on rules and the like.


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
I would too - in fact, I've been in a similar situation before (except with more expensive goods involved). I told my supervisor and he was fired. I also got a bonus :D


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Quinine Avatar
I would too - in fact, I've been in a similar situation before (except with more expensive goods involved). I told my supervisor and he was fired. I also got a bonus :D

...lucky you. I found an error that was costing the company $5 million annually and my boss took the credit. :(


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Well, I let it slide and didn't do or say anything.
Friday was my last day, and sadly, the organisation that first put me into volunteer, just wont get in contact with me so they can confirm if I can continue or not.
I have an appointment with them Thursday, so hopefully then they will arrange for me to start Monday.

The worst part is, the place I was at I was only there for 4weeks originally. They allow you to extend if THEY (the company you are working at) like you and you can do the work etc. and I could, and they did like me, so they let me extend. They have also said they are more than happy to extend me again so that when 3 people leave in June, I can get a job (only part time - but still)... I am so pissed off.
