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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
This was in response to the "shop suggestion" for PBv5.

"14 - Shop/Store (Points System). Quite simple. Have some form of shop and/or points system where you can donate points to people, or from the shop you can purchase items that staff have added there, for example: formatted name (bold, italic, etc).. and much more stuff."

"We already have custom user storage that you can use for shops"

"Shops that include points?"

"What he said and so can we set it up so people can buy from the shop, donate points and so on?
I will say it just for better explanations: like the other hosts shops.. Anything as good?"

"I would have to speak with you guys some more in terms of *exactly* what you want to be able to do, but we do want to ensure that you can implement complex features like this."

So, in response to Patrick's last quote, what exactly do we want from a shop?

General Users / Staff:
- To be able to donate points.
- Buy items from the shop (bold names etc).
- Withdraw or Deposit to a bank.
- Unlock items by rank or post count.
- Sell items back for half the amount bought for.

Staff Only:

- Add new items.
- Disable items.
- Limit items.
- Change prices of items.
- Set interest rate per daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly basis.


- Auctions
-- Set minimum bid for item / Buy It Now price.
-- people can bid on auctions

Shop purchase would be automated, so you buy your item(s) and then you get it instantly or almost so. Staff wouldn't manually have to give each user their item(s).

Umm.. ??


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Some ideas by Smangii.. which I agree with.

- Being able to change the name of points
- Adjust amount of points gained per post (globally)
- Adjust amount of points gained per post (specific to a board)
- Staff can add/deduct points manually
- Adjust points gained per "Likes" of posts?... or something along that line. Since the karma is removed, it would be nice if a member gets some points if their posts are liked.

You forgot to edit that part in here. :P

I think it's probably worth while for a points system to be integrated by default, but I don't think it's 100% necessary for a shop.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
A shop is just much better for everyone. Saves everyone having to wait around for staff to give them their "effects" and for staff to not get overwhelmed.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Stinky666 Avatar
A shop is just much better for everyone. Saves everyone having to wait around for staff to give them their "effects" and for staff to not get overwhelmed.

That could all be easily automated with a code in v5, actually. :P

Edit: In fact, in v4 too

Last Edit: Jul 3, 2011 3:52:19 GMT by Chris


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Chris Avatar
Stinky666 Avatar
A shop is just much better for everyone. Saves everyone having to wait around for staff to give them their "effects" and for staff to not get overwhelmed.

That could all be easily automated with a code in v5, actually. :P

Edit: In fact, in v4 too

Don't say that bitch, just let them add it as a proper feature -.-


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
That's why I said it here, not there. :P
