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Twerque Avatar
make my way back home when i learn to fly.

Studio Member


December 2009

So, anybody else read Homestuck? Anybody else completely obsessed and emotionally invested/spent over it?

Please tell me I'm not alone.
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Deko Avatar

Senior Member


October 2005
This is awful. You are alone. :P


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
I...I don't get it...but I'm intrigued.

Go on.


Twerque Avatar
make my way back home when i learn to fly.

Studio Member


December 2009
Luci, it's really fucking awesome. Like, most people don't get into it until the Trolls come in (during Act 3, I THINK, don't hold me to that). But if you stick with it I promise it gets pretty awesome. It took me a couple tries to get into it. Honestly, I had to force myself through Act 1 sometimes.

Deko, see above. If you still don't like it after Act 3, then you are dumb and must go awaaaay~
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Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
hi torque!

i enjoyed it but just stopped reading after jane jake roxy and dirk (iirc) came in partly because it was getting too confusing and partly because i didn't really like those new characters


Twerque Avatar
make my way back home when i learn to fly.

Studio Member


December 2009
Really, Quinine? I'll admit I actually didn't like the trolls at first, but after you get introduced to all of them they're pretty cool. The story is pretty confusing, too, haha. You just have to take it at face value at first and work your way into figuring out all the details, I've found. It's certainly not for everybody, but Homestuck is one of my favorite web comics ever.
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Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
Wait, the trolls? The trolls are cool. Unless the four new kids are also trolls. Am I missing something. I might be.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Wait, is this a comic or a game. Everything I clicked was, like, interactive or some shit.


Twerque Avatar
make my way back home when i learn to fly.

Studio Member


December 2009
It's like ... Both. It's a game, a comic, an RPG ... Hussie likes mixing it up, haha.

Ooooh, you seem the Alpha kids. Yeah, they aren't trolls, haha. They'er actually my favorite, but only when you get further into it. They're boring at first. Even I struggled through that part.
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~Memzak~ Avatar
Inquire never, so always need elephants.

Senior Member


May 2009
I tried this once a long time ago... but kinda gave up after my 'check EVERY detail' tendency caused me to bore myself into oblivion. I might start it up again in the future, when I have more time.
