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Xikeon Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
This is my second tut here asnd in this tut I will learnt hwot o connect to a MySQL database.

There are 2 ways. One is safer but not all servers allow you to use it. So if it gives an error about the first one I am teaching you, you can just use the second one ;)

Way 1:
If you want to make a connection you need to "connect" (:P) and select the database. You do that with:
With @mysql_connect(); you have to fill in 3 things:
1. ip or localhost
2. username for database
3. password for database
Let's go and do that.
$dbconnect = @mysql_connect("localhost", "username, "password");

Now we need to use @mysql_select_db(); to select the database:
$dbcon = @mysql_connect("localhost", "username, "password");
@mysql_select_db("database name", $dbcon);

And then you are connected. But what if you fill it wrong in? Then you can use "or die" to make an error
$dbcon = @mysql_connect("localhost", "username, "password") or die("Could not connect to the database!");
@mysql_select_db("database name", $dbcon) or die("Could not select the database");

Well hope you understand :)

Any questions and or comments can be posted.

Thanks :)

Way 2:
As this is so easy, you can do it yourself. Follow the way1 tut and then just remove the @ infront of the functions.
so instead of
you have
and instead of
you have


Thanks and hope you understand

Last Edit: Aug 25, 2005 8:10:07 GMT by Xikeon
